f [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 04 [Total Strokes] 07 [Unicode] 5F77 [Variant]é [Pinyin] pang2 fang3 [Korean] bang [Japanese] hou bou [Definition](1) To wander, roam about. (2) To resemble closely. [Credit] acm
fr [Pinyin] pang2huang2 [Korean] banghwang [Japanese] houkou [Definition]To wander. [Credit] acm
ð [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 04 [Total Strokes] 07 [Unicode] 5F79 [Pinyin] yi4 [Korean] yeog [Japanese] eki yaku [Definition](1) The protection of the realm; the protector of the realm. (2) To fight. (3) The officer who makes the people do state work (forced labor). (4) Forced labor. (5) Work, employment. [Credit] acm
Þ [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 08 [Unicode] 5F7C [Pinyin] bi3 [Korean] pi [Japanese] hi [Definition](1) That, the other. (2) He, him. (3) The future, the next world. [Credit] acm
ÞÞ [Pinyin] bi3bi3 [Korean] pi-pi [Japanese] hihi [Definition](1) This and that, one thing and another. (2) All. (3) Mutually. [Credit] acm
i [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 08 [Unicode] 5F7F [Variant]Åé [Pinyin] fu2 [Korean] bul [Japanese] futsu [Definition]A simplified variant of 190-5 é [9AF4]. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 060 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 08 [Unicode] 5F80 [Variant]g [Pinyin] wang3 [Korean] wang [Japanese] ou [Definition](1) To go (to some place), to advance, go towards, to depart, to set out. Opposite of Ô. (2) To pass; to pass away. (3) Formerly, past, gone. [Credit] acm
[Pinyin] wang3wang3 [Korean] wangwang [Japanese] ou-ou [Definition]Always, constantly, occasionally. [Credit] acm
[Pinyin] wang3fu4 [Korean] wangbu [Japanese] oufuku [Definition]Going and returning; question and answer. [Credit] acm
Ė [Pinyin] wang3xi2 [Korean] wangseog [Japanese] ouseki [Definition]In the past; formerly; long ago. = ú, Ã. [Credit] acm
ķ [Pinyin] wang3sheng1 [Korean] wangsaeng [Japanese] oujou [Definition](1) To die. (2) iÅj To be reborn in the Pure Land. (3) Be perplexed, puzzled. (4) To clarify. [Credit] acm
Š [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 08 [Unicode] 5F81 [Variant]Ĩ [Pinyin] zheng1 [Korean] jeong [Japanese] sei [Definition](1) To go, go out. (2) To hit, strike, punish, quell. (3) To gain, grasp. To take taxes, etc. [Credit] acm
h [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 08 [Unicode] 5F82 [Pinyin] cu2 [Korean] jo [Japanese] so zo [Definition](1) To go; to go away. To leave. [s, ] (2) To die. [] (3) To live on. (4) To begin. (5) For the first time. (6) A young and vigorous horse. (7) Dull. (8) To obstruct; an obstacle. (9) The name of a region. (10) To take aim at; set one's sights on. [_] [Credit] acm
g [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 08 [Unicode] 5F83 [Variant] [Pinyin] wang3 wang4 [Korean] wang [Japanese] ou [Definition]Variant form of [5F80]. [Credit] acm
a [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 08 [Unicode] 5F84 [Variant]lį [Pinyin] jing4 [Korean] gyeong [Japanese] kei [Definition]A simplified variant of 60-7 l [5F91]. [Credit] acm
Ō [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 06 [Total Strokes] 09 [Unicode] 5F85 [Pinyin] dai4 [Korean] dae [Japanese] tai dai [Definition](1) To wait, wait for. (2) Be necessary; depend upon, rely on. To have as a reason or premise. [Credit] acm
m [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 06 [Total Strokes] 09 [Unicode] 5F87 [Pinyin] xun2 xun4 [Korean] sun [Japanese] jun [Definition](1) Advocate, advance, set forth, preach. (2) Follow, go along with, listen, agree. (3) To seek for, to desire. (4) To throw away one's life[}]. [Credit] acm
k [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 06 [Total Strokes] 09 [Unicode] 5F88 [Pinyin] hen3 [Korean] heun [Japanese] kon [Definition](1) To be against, go against, depart from, deviate from. [Ą] (2) To dispute, argue. [āĨ] (3) Angry, quarrelsome, disobedient. (4) Extremely, very. [r] [Credit] acm
j [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 06 [Total Strokes] 09 [Unicode] 5F8A [Pinyin] huai2 hui2 [Korean] hoe [Japanese] kai [Definition]To wander about; to roam. [Credit] acm
Ĩ [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 06 [Total Strokes] 09 [Unicode] 5F8B [Pinyin] l4 [Korean] ryul [Japanese] ritsu richi [Definition](1) Rule, law, precept, condition, norm. (2) to take as a model. (3) Musical scale. (4) A genre of Han poetry. (5) A Buddhist sect: the Vinaya sect. [Credit] acm
ĨV [Pinyin] 4yi2 [Korean] ryuri [Japanese] ritsugi [Definition]Control, restrain, suppress, prevent, ward off, resist. To suppress evil and do good action. [Credit] acm
ã [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 06 [Total Strokes] 09 [Unicode] 5F8C [Variant]@ [Pinyin] hou4 [Korean] hu [Japanese] go [Definition](1) After, later, following, afterwards, behind, to come after. (2) Descendants, posterity. [Credit] acm
ãk [Pinyin] hou4si4 [Korean] husa [Japanese] koushi [Definition](1) An heir, a successor, inheritor. (2) One's descendants, grandchildren. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 060 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 10 [Unicode] 5F90 [Pinyin] xu2 [Korean] seo [Japanese] jo sho [Definition](1) Relaxed, calm. (2) Quietly, easily, slowly; quiet, ease. [Credit] acm
s [Pinyin] xu2xing2 [Korean] seohaeng [Japanese] jokou [Definition]To travel unhurriedly; to walk leisurely. [Credit] acm
l [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 10 [Unicode] 5F91 [Variant]aį [Pinyin] jing4 [Korean] gyeong [Japanese] kei [Definition](1) Alley, lane, narrow path. (2) A back street, a back road, a short cut. (3) A diameter. (4) To cross over. (5) Soon[į]. [Credit] acm
k [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 10 [Unicode] 5F92 [Pinyin] tu2 [Korean] do [Japanese] to [Definition](1) To walk, to go on foot, as opposed to riding. (2) Infantry; a foot soldier. (3) Follower, disciple, apprentice. (4) Companions, group; fellows of such-and-such a type. A crowd. (5) Only, single, merely. (6) In vain, empty, useless. [Credit] acm
kR [Pinyin] tu2ran2 [Korean] doyeon [Japanese] tozen [Definition](1) Aimlessly, at random. (2) False, empty, vain, futile. In vain; uselessly. (3) To be bored with nothing to do. [Credit] acm
kO [Pinyin] tu2zhong4 [Korean] dojung [Japanese] toshuu [Definition](1) A multitude of disciples. A disciple. (2) The crowd; the common people. (3) A crowd; a large group of people. [Credit] acm
] [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 10 [Unicode] 5F93 [Variant]ļn [Pinyin] cong2 zong2 zong1 zong4 cong1 [Korean] jong [Japanese] shou juu shou shuu juu ju [Definition]modern form of 60-8 n. [Credit] acm
ū [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 11 [Unicode] 5F97 [Pinyin] de5 [Korean] deug [Japanese] toku [Definition](1) Obtain, get, acquire, gain, enjoy. Opposite of 37-2 ļ (shi) (2) To effect, to attain. (3) To go well. (4) Able, can, may; to succeed in, to get to. The original hieroglyph is a hand taking cowries (money). [Credit] acm
p [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 11 [Unicode] 5F98 [Pinyin] pai2 pei2 [Korean] bae [Japanese] hai [Definition]To wander, to roam. [Credit] acm
o [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 11 [Unicode] 5F99 [Pinyin] xi3 [Korean] sa [Japanese] shi [Definition](1) Change, move, shift, pass into. (2) Be infected with, be permeated by. [Credit] acm
n [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 11 [Unicode] 5F9E [Variant]ļ] [Pinyin] cong2 zong2 zong1 zong4 cong1 [Korean] jong [Japanese] shou juu shou shuu juu ju [Definition](1) Follow, accord with, comply; listen to. To follow in one's steps, to follow close after. [įŽ] (2) To accompany; to attend to; to look after. To learn. (2) From, by; since; when; through. [Đ]. (3) Vertical. (4) Together, a follower. (5) An indicator of the ablative case. From . . . (6) Permit, approve, sanction, authorize. (7) To cause joy. [Credit] acm
q [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 11 [Unicode] 5FA0 [Pinyin] lai2 lai4 [Korean] rae [Japanese] rai [Definition]An early form of 9-6 Ō () . [Credit] acm
ä [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 11 [Unicode] 5FA1 [Variant] [Pinyin] yu4 ya4 [Korean] eo a [Japanese] gyo go [Definition](1) To drive a chariot; to handle a team of horses. (2) To handle, to manage, to deal with. (3) Driver, controller. (4) To manage, govern, manipulate, handle. (5) Imperial; connected with the emperor. [Credit] acm
r [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 12 [Unicode] 5FA8 [Pinyin] huang2 [Korean] hwang [Japanese] kou [Definition]To wander, to roam. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 060 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 12 [Unicode] 5FA9 [Variant]Ē [Pinyin] fu4 [Korean] bog bu [Japanese] fuku [Definition](1) To restore, repay; to recover; regain possession of. (2) To return, to repeat, to reply. To report to. (3) Again, repeatedly. (4) Alternative. To be exempt from military service. (5) Hexagram number 24 in the Yijing: "Return." (6) To follow, be followed. [Credit] acm
z [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 12 [Unicode] 5FAA [Pinyin] xun2 [Korean] sun [Japanese] jun [Definition](1) To follow, to accord with, comply with; to trace back to. To listen to what is said. To be in order. (2) To go around. [Credit] acm
zz [Pinyin] xun2xun2 [Korean] sunsun [Japanese] junjun [Definition]Perfectly ordered. [Credit] acm
z [Pinyin] xun2huan2 [Korean] sunhwan [Japanese] junkan [Definition](1) Circulation, rotation, cycle. Revolve, come around. (2) "What goes around comes around;" the connection between cause and effect. [Credit] acm
s [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 10 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 5FAD [Pinyin] yao2 [Korean] yo [Japanese] you [Definition](1) Compulsory service; forced labor. (2) A thief, robber, brigand, gangster. (3) A surname. [Credit] acm
ũ [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 10 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 5FAE [Pinyin] wei2 wei1 [Korean] mi [Japanese] bi mi [Definition](1) Subtle, minute, insignificant, trifling; infinitesimal, microscopic. Imperceptibly subtle or delicate. (Ũ). (2) Hidden, vague, obscure (sū, B). (3) Secret, invisible, to conceal. To spy. (4) Not, is not (ģ). [Credit] acm
ũo [Pinyin] wei2chen2 [Korean] mijin [Japanese] michin [Definition]Particle, bit, atom. Extremely tiny; microscopic; too small to see. [Credit] acm
ũ [Pinyin] wei2miao4 [Korean] mimyo [Japanese] bimyou [Definition]Subtle, fine, delicate, profound. [Credit] acm
ũ [Pinyin] wei2yang4 [Korean] miyang [Japanese] biyou [Definition]A slight sickness. [Credit] acm
ŋ [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 11 [Total Strokes] 14 [Unicode] 5FB3 [Variant]{ [Pinyin] de2 [Korean] deog [Japanese] toku [Definition](1) The innate potency of a person or thing; charismatic or spiritual power. (1) Charisma, mana, virtue. (3) Merit, power, goodness. (4) A virtuous deed, a kindness, a favor. (5) The positive power that arises from a life of virtue. Conduct, behavior, energy, power. (6) A person's name. iÅj 'virtue,' 'goodness,' 'the power derived from goodness.' The virtuous qualities, or superior traits of a sage. Virtuous deeds. Simplified form of [5FB7] [Credit] acm
ŋāV [Pinyin] de2ze2 [Korean] deongpaeg [Japanese] tokutaku [Definition]The benefits of excellent virtue. Blessings, good fortune. [Credit] acm
ŋp [Pinyin] de2yong4 [Korean] deongyong [Japanese] tokuyou [Definition](1) Function; excellent function. Meritorious function. (2) Causing oneself to gain benefit. [Credit] acm
Ĩ [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 11 [Total Strokes] 14 [Unicode] 5FB4 [Variant]Š [Pinyin] zheng1 zhi3 [Korean] jing chi [Japanese] chou chi [Definition](1) [zheng1 ching chou] Sign, symptom, omen. (2) Collect, solicit, seek, judge by, question, refer to, demand. (3) To clarify. (4) [zhi3 chi chi] The fourth of the five notes on the ancient Chinese musical scale. Simplified form of [5FB5] [Credit] acm
úš [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 12 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 5FB7 [Variant]ŋŋ{ [Pinyin] de2 [Korean] deog [Japanese] toku [Definition](1) The innate potency of a person or thing; charismatic or spiritual power. (1) Charisma, mana, virtue. (3) Merit, power, goodness. (4) A virtuous deed, a kindness, a favor. (5) The positive power that arises from a life of virtue. Conduct, behavior, energy, power. (6) A person's name. iÅj 'virtue,' 'goodness,' 'the power derived from goodness.' The virtuous qualities, or superior traits of a sage. Virtuous deeds. Earlier form of [5FB3] [Credit] acm
O [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 12 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 5FB9 [Pinyin] che4 zhe2 [Korean] cheol [Japanese] tetsu [Definition](1) Penetrating, discerning, clear, intelligible. [B] (2) To penetrate, to pierce, to go through, permeate. [Ę] (3) A ten percent tax during the Chou dynasty. (4) To manage, govern. [Ą] (5) To leave. [] [Credit] acm
Oę [Pinyin] che4di3 [Korean] cheolji [Japanese] tettei [Definition]Thoroughness, completion. Completely. [Credit] acm
t [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 13 [Total Strokes] 16 [Unicode] 5FBC [Pinyin] jiao1 jiao4 [Korean] yo [Japanese] kyou [Definition](1) To seek. (2) To inquire after, to ask about. (3) To go around, to circle, to spin[z]. (4) Edge, border, boundary[įē]. [Credit] acm
J [Radical] 060 [Strokes] 14 [Total Strokes] 17 [Unicode] 5FBD [Pinyin] hui1 [Korean] hwi [Japanese] ki [Definition](1) Good. (2) Good-looking, pretty, beautiful. (3) A mark, sign, symbol, emblem. An omen. (4) A bridge; a stop (on a stringed instrument). [Credit] acm
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