Ύ [Pinyin] shi2shi4 [Korean] seogsil [Japanese] sekishitsu [Definition](1) A stone hut. (2) Back room; library. (3) Home of a hermit in the mountains. (4) A stone tomb. [Credit] acm
Ή [Pinyin] shi2huo3 [Korean] seoghwa [Japanese] sekka [Definition](1) The sparks that fly out from stones which hit each other. (2) Extremely quick; agile; alert [ΉΓd]. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 03 [Total Strokes] 08 [Unicode] 77FC [Pinyin] jiang1 gang1 kong4 [Korean] gang [Japanese] kou ku [Definition](1) Stepping stones for crossing a stream. A stone bridge. (2) Hard, solid. (3) Gentle, mild, compliant, sincere, honest. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 04 [Total Strokes] 09 [Unicode] 7802 [Pinyin] sha1 [Korean] sa [Japanese] sa sha [Definition]Sand. Grains of sand. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 04 [Total Strokes] 09 [Unicode] 780C [Pinyin] qi4 qie4 [Korean] che [Japanese] sei sai [Definition](1) A brick or tile floor. (2) Stone or brick stairway. A stone step. (3) To heap up, pile up, stack--as in laying bricks. To raise in layers. (4) Dangerous. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 04 [Total Strokes] 09 [Unicode] 7812 [Pinyin] pi1 [Korean] bi [Japanese] hei hi [Definition]Arsenic, which is a kind of poison. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 04 [Total Strokes] 09 [Unicode] 7814 [Pinyin] yan2 yan4 [Korean] yeon [Japanese] ken [Definition](1) To polish; to sharpen the edge of a sword. (2) To thoroughly research a topic. Modern form of 112-6 [784F]. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 04 [Total Strokes] 09 [Unicode] 7815 [Variant] [Pinyin] sui4 [Korean] swae [Japanese] sai [Definition]Simplified variant of 112-8 [788E]. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 10 [Unicode] 7820 [Pinyin] ju1 [Korean] jeo [Japanese] sho so [Definition](1) A dirt mountain with stones in it; or--a rocky mountain with dirt in it. (2) Rocky, hilly, uneven. [Credit] acm
x [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 10 [Unicode] 7821 [Pinyin] yu4 [Korean] og [Japanese] giku goku [Definition]To even up; put in order, arrange. [Credit] acm
u [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 10 [Unicode] 7825 [Pinyin] zhi3 di3 [Korean] ji [Japanese] shi tei tai [Definition](1) A whetstone, sandstone, grindstone. (2) To grind, to polish. (3) Flat, even, level. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 11 [Unicode] 7826 [Pinyin] zhai4 [Korean] chae [Japanese] sai [Definition](1) A small fortress. [] Stockade, military outpost. (2) A pen for livestock. (3) A rough-woven (bamboo) fence. [Credit] acm
m [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 10 [Unicode] 7827 [Variant] [Pinyin] zhen1 [Korean] chim [Japanese] chin [Definition](1) A fulling block--on which clothes are beaten when being washed. (2) An anvil. [Credit] acm
C [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 10 [Unicode] 7832 [Variant]{ [Pinyin] pao4 [Korean] po [Japanese] hou [Definition](1) A catapult. (2) A cannon. [Credit] acm
j [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 10 [Unicode] 7834 [Pinyin] po4 [Korean] pa [Japanese] ha [Definition](1) To refute, disprove, negate, solve. (2) To break, disrupt, destroy. [Credit] acm
j [Pinyin] po4yan2 [Korean] paan [Japanese] hagan [Definition]To break into a smile. [Credit] acm
v [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 10 [Unicode] 783A [Variant] [Pinyin] li4 [Korean] ryeo [Japanese] rei [Definition]A simplified variant of 112-15 [792A]. [Credit] acm
{ [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 10 [Unicode] 783F [Variant]zi [Pinyin] kuang4 gong3 [Korean] gwang [Japanese] kou [Definition]Simplified variant of 112-15 [7926]. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 06 [Total Strokes] 11 [Unicode] 7845 [Pinyin] gui1 [Korean] gyu [Japanese] kaku kyaku kei [Definition](1) To smash, break, demolish. [j] (2) The element silicon. [Credit] acm
y [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 06 [Total Strokes] 11 [Unicode] 784E [Pinyin] xing2 keng [Korean] hyeong [Japanese] kei kou kyou gyou [Definition](1) [xing, kei] A whetstone; a grindstone (2) [keng, kou] A stone. (3) A hole, opening. (4) The name of a valley. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 12 [Unicode] 785D [Pinyin] xiao1 [Korean] so cho [Japanese] shou [Definition]Saltpeter; niter. [Credit] acm
z [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 12 [Unicode] 7864 [Pinyin] xia2 [Korean] hyeob [Japanese] kou gyou [Definition]The name of an ancient town near present Izhang in Hubei. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 12 [Unicode] 786B [Pinyin] liu2 [Korean] ryu [Japanese] ryuu [Definition]Sulfur. [Credit] acm
d [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 12 [Unicode] 786C [Pinyin] ying4 [Korean] gyeong [Japanese] kou gou [Definition]Hard, firm, strong. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 12 [Unicode] 786F [Pinyin] yan4 [Korean] yeon [Japanese] gen ken [Definition]An inkstone for grinding charcoal ink used in East Asian calligraphy and painting. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 12 [Unicode] 7872 [Pinyin] [Korean] gog [Japanese] hazama [Definition][Japanese character] A ravine; a gorge. [J] [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 12 [Unicode] 7874 [Pinyin] {hua} [Korean] hwa [Japanese] ke ka kaki [Definition]A flower-vase. [Credit] acm
{ [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 787A [Pinyin] zhuo [Korean] tag [Japanese] taku choku [Definition]To hit, to knock, to strike, to beat. [] [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 787C [Pinyin] peng2 peng1 [Korean] pyeong bung [Japanese] hou [Definition](1) The name of a kind of stone. (2) A kind of medicinal stone. (3) Loud, growing noise. (4) The sound of stones struck together. (5) The element boron. Borax. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 7881 [Variant] [Pinyin] qi2 [Korean] gi [Japanese] ki gi go [Definition]An East Asian game that resembles Chess; a piece in that game. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 7886 [Pinyin] bo1 [Korean] pa [Japanese] ha [Definition](1) A stone that is attached to a string for use with a bow and arrow in hunting. (2) The stone used for an arrowhead; a stone arrowhead. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 7887 [Pinyin] ding4 [Korean] jeong [Japanese] tei shou [Definition](1) An anchor, made of a large stone, used to keep a boat from moving. [d] (2) To drop an anchor. (3) A mooring, a dock. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 788C [Pinyin] lu4 liu4 [Korean] rog [Japanese] roku [Definition](1) Rocky, stony; uneven, not smooth. (2) A blue color in stone. (3) Green jasper. (4) Toilsome, laborious. [Credit] acm
V [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 788D [Variant]G [Pinyin] ai4 [Korean] ae [Japanese] gai ge [Definition]A modern form of 112-14 G [7919]. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 788E [Variant] [Pinyin] sui4 [Korean] swae [Japanese] sai [Definition](1) Smash into tiny bits, pound, grind, pulverize. (2) Be pulverized, smashed into particles. [Credit] acm
O [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 7893 [Pinyin] dui4 dui1 [Korean] dae [Japanese] tai [Definition](1) A mortar; a hand-mill. A mortar for hulling (the pestle of which is worked by the foot). (2) To pound in a mortar. (3) A mallet, hammer. [] [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 7895 [Variant]蛽 [Pinyin] qi2 [Korean] gi [Japanese] ki gi [Definition](1) A bending, uneven shoreline with inlets and projections. (2) A long shoreline. (3) A stone bridge. A footpath of stepping stones over a river. [Credit] acm
q [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 7897 [Variant]o [Pinyin] wan3 [Korean] wan [Japanese] wan [Definition]A bowl, dish, cup[o]. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 789A [Pinyin] pei2 bei4 [Korean] bae [Japanese] hai [Definition](1) To cultivate the soil. [|] (2) A flower-bud. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 14 [Unicode] 7891 [Pinyin] bei1 [Korean] bi [Japanese] hi [Definition](1) A large stone tablet. (2) A gravestone, monument. (3) An epitaph written in stone. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 14 [Unicode] 78A3 [Pinyin] jie2 [Korean] ge gal [Japanese] kei ketsu [Definition](1) A tall, high stone standing upright. (2) A stone inscription. A stone tablet. (3) A mountain peak. (4) The name of a mountain in Tunghae. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 14 [Unicode] 78A7 [Pinyin] bi4 [Korean] byeog [Japanese] heki [Definition]A beautiful blue colored stone; blue-green. [Credit] acm
Ɋ [Pinyin] bi4han4 [Korean] byeonhan [Japanese] hekikan [Definition]The blue sky and the milky way. The great, round heavens. [Credit] acm
ɗ [Pinyin] bi4luo4 [Korean] byeongnag [Japanese] hekiraku [Definition]Clear, blue sky. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 14 [Unicode] 78A9 [Pinyin] shuo4 shi2 [Korean] seog [Japanese] seki [Definition](1) Large, great; to enlarge, to grow. (2) Flourishing, growing, developing. (3) Excellent, handsome, fine, stately. [Credit] acm
m [Pinyin] shuo4shi4 [Korean] seogsa [Japanese] sekishi [Definition]A distinguished scholar of broad learning. Now used for Master (of Arts, Science, etc.) [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 14 [Unicode] 78AA [Variant]m [Pinyin] zhen1 an3 [Korean] chim am [Japanese] chin gan gon [Definition](1) [zhen1 chim chin] A fulling block--on which clothes are beaten when being washed. (2) An anvil. [m] (3) [an3 am gan] The towering appearance of a mountain. (4) Beneath a precipice. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 14 [Unicode] 78AF [Variant] [Pinyin] nao3 [Korean] no [Japanese] dou nou [Definition]Agate, onyx, cornelian. Same as . [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 14 [Unicode] 78B5 [Pinyin] [Korean] [Japanese] [Definition] [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 14 [Unicode] 78C1 [Pinyin] ci2 [Korean] ja [Japanese] shi ji [Definition](1) A kind of ore which has magnetic properties; a magnet. (2) Hard pottery; earthenware. [Credit] acm
[Pinyin] ci2shi2 [Korean] jaseog [Japanese] jishaku [Definition]A magnet. Lodestone, compass. [Credit] acm
m [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 10 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 78BA [Pinyin] que4 [Korean] hwag [Japanese] kaku [Definition](1) Hard, solid. (2) Correct, exact, precise. (3) To ascertain, clarify. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 10 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 78BC [Pinyin] ma3 [Korean] ma [Japanese] ba me [Definition](1) A type of beautiful stone which is almost of gem quality. (2) An Anglo-American "yard"--.914 meters. (3) Weights for money or goods. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 10 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 78BE [Pinyin] nian3 nian4 [Korean] nyeon [Japanese] den ten [Definition](1) A stone roller used for husking grain etc. (2) To roll grain. To grind (mill) wheat or other grain into flour. (3) A stone mortar. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 10 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 78C5 [Pinyin] bang4 beng4 [Korean] bang paeng [Japanese] hou bou [Definition](1) The sound of a stones dropping; the sound of stones crashing. (2) To hit stones together. (3) To spread, to sprawl; be overrun. (4) The Anglo-American pound--.45 kilograms. (5) An English monetary unit--20 shillings. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 10 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 78C6 [Pinyin] hua2 [Korean] hwal [Japanese] katsu kechi [Definition](1) A kind of medicine. (2) A stone vessel. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 10 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 78CA [Pinyin] lei3 [Korean] roe [Japanese] rai [Definition](1) Many stones (lying about). (2) A heap of stones; boulders. (3) Large-minded, in such a way that one is not easily caught up in trivial affairs. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 10 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 78CB [Pinyin] cuo1 [Korean] cha [Japanese] sa [Definition]To polish, esp. jewelry. A metaphor for polishing one's character. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 10 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 78D0 [Pinyin] pan2 [Korean] ban [Japanese] han ban [Definition](1) A large rock; a cliff, a bluff. (2) To be coiled up; be harbored, be rooted. (3) Wide, broad, vast. (4) Firm, stable. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 10 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 78D1 [Pinyin] wei4 ai2 [Korean] ae oe [Japanese] gai [Definition](1) A stone mortar or hand-mill. (2) To mill, grind, polish; break into pieces. (3) Hard, stiff. (4) To pile up, accumulate. (5) High, tall. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 10 [Total Strokes] 16 [Unicode] 78D4 [Pinyin] zhe2 [Korean] chaeg [Japanese] taku [Definition](1) To bore, to gouge, to tear. (2) To crucify; to kill by tying a person up on a board and then stabbing. A form of severe punishment. (3) Dismemberment by attaching different limbs of the body to different cars, or horses and running them in opposite directions. Also a form of punishment. (4) To spread and hang out. (5) To brush off, sweep away. (6) To use dismemberment as a form of religious sacrifice. (7) The name of a sacrifice. (8) A style of calligraphic writing. [Credit] acm
A [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 11 [Total Strokes] 16 [Unicode] 78DA [Pinyin] zhuan1 tuan2 [Korean] jeon [Japanese] sen [Definition](1) A brick, a square tile, a slab. (2) A stone mortar. (3) Roundness. (4) A person's name. [Credit] acm
@ [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 11 [Total Strokes] 16 [Unicode] 78E7 [Pinyin] qi4 [Korean] jeog [Japanese] seki [Definition](1) A dry river bed; a river beach. (2) Rocks awash at low tide. (3) A sand desert. (4) A swift current; rapids. [] [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 11 [Total Strokes] 16 [Unicode] 78E8 [Pinyin] mo2 mo4 [Korean] ma [Japanese] ma [Definition](1) To polish (a jewel, mirror, etc.) (2) To polish one's character or learning. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 11 [Total Strokes] 16 [Unicode] 78EC [Pinyin] qing4 qing3 [Korean] gyeong [Japanese] kei [Definition](1) A stone chime shaped like a carpenter's square, hung from an apex. Often found in Buddhist temples. When struck it makes a beautiful sonorous sound. (2) To make a horse run fast. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 12 [Total Strokes] 17 [Unicode] 78EF [Pinyin] ji1 [Korean] gi [Japanese] ki [Definition](1) Water crashing up against a large rock. (2) A rocky shoreline. (3) Seashore, beach. (4) A jetty. (5) An obstruction that causes an eddy. An eddy. (6) To rub, to stroke. [Credit] acm
C [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 12 [Total Strokes] 17 [Unicode] 78F4 [Pinyin] deng4 deng1 [Korean] deung [Japanese] tou [Definition](1) A stone path going up a mountain. A stone path. Stone steps. (2) A stone bridge. (3) A stone plinth. (4) A precipice; a cliff. [Credit] acm
B [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 12 [Total Strokes] 17 [Unicode] 78FD [Pinyin] qiao1 ao2 [Korean] gyo [Japanese] kou [Definition](1) Rocky soil. (2) Hard, stiff. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 12 [Total Strokes] 17 [Unicode] 7901 [Pinyin] jiao1 [Korean] cho [Japanese] shou [Definition]A reef. [Credit] acm
D [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 13 [Total Strokes] 18 [Unicode] 7907 [Pinyin] yu4 [Korean] ug [Japanese] iku [Definition]A gemlike stone. [Credit] acm
b [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 13 [Total Strokes] 18 [Unicode] 790E [Pinyin] chu3 [Korean] cho [Japanese] so sho [Definition](1) A plinth. The stone that is placed at the base of a pillar. A cornerstone. (2) A basis, foundation. [Credit] acm
F [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 13 [Total Strokes] 18 [Unicode] 7911 [Pinyin] dang4 [Korean] dang [Japanese] tou [Definition]The bottom, or base of a box or other container. [] [Credit] acm
E [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 13 [Total Strokes] 18 [Unicode] 7912 [Pinyin] yi3 [Korean] eui [Japanese] gi [Definition](1) A cliff, a large rock. (2) A rocky shoreline. [Credit] acm
G [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 14 [Total Strokes] 19 [Unicode] 7919 [Variant]V [Pinyin] ai4 yi2 [Korean] ae [Japanese] gai ge [Definition](1) To obstruct, disturb, hamper, impede, hinder, block off. (2) An obstruction, an obstacle, a hindrance. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 15 [Total Strokes] 20 [Unicode] 7926 [Variant]{zi [Pinyin] kuang4 gong3 [Korean] gwang [Japanese] kou [Definition](1) Metal ore; unwrought metal. [i] (2) A mine. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 112 [Strokes] 15 [Total Strokes] 20 [Unicode] 792A [Variant]v [Pinyin] li4 [Korean] ryeo [Japanese] rei [Definition](1) A whetstone, sandstone, grindstone. (2) To grind, to polish. [Credit] acm
I [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 15 [Total Strokes] 20 [Unicode] 792B [Pinyin] li4 luo4 [Korean] ryeog [Japanese] reki [Definition]A pebble. [Credit] acm
H [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 15 [Total Strokes] 20 [Unicode] 792C [Pinyin] fan2 [Korean] ban [Japanese] han ban [Definition](1) Alum. (2) Metallic salts for dyeing and painting. (3) To tan leather. (4) A sweet-smelling Daphne. [Credit] acm
| [Radical] 112 [Strokes] 16 [Total Strokes] 21 [Unicode] 7930 [Pinyin] li [Korean] ryeog [Japanese] reki ryaku [Definition](1)The sound of stone. (2) Clear, bright. (3) A type of farming implement. [Credit] acm
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