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Radical 173
�J [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 00 [Total Strokes] 08 [Unicode] 96E8 [Pinyin] yu3 yu4 [Korean] u [Japanese] u [Definition]Rain; to rain. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 03 [Total Strokes] 11 [Unicode] 96EA [Pinyin] xue3 [Korean] seol [Japanese] setsu [Definition]Snow; to snow. [Credit] acm

���R [Pinyin] xue3shan1 [Korean] seolsan [Japanese] setsuzan [Definition](1) Snowy mountains. (2) The Himalayas. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 03 [Total Strokes] 11 [Unicode] 96EB [Pinyin] [Korean] [Japanese] da dan [Definition]A drop, a drip, a trickle. Dripping. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 04 [Total Strokes] 12 [Unicode] 96F0 [Variant]�� [Pinyin] fen1 [Korean] bun [Japanese] fun [Definition](1) Foggy, misty air. (2) The descending of frost. (3) The fall of snow. [Credit] acm

�_ [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 04 [Total Strokes] 12 [Unicode] 96F2 [Variant]�] [Pinyin] yun2 [Korean] un [Japanese] un [Definition](1) Cloud(s). (2) Cloud-like; thus a metaphor for height, splendor, greatness, vastness, etc. [Credit] acm

�_�� [Pinyin] yun2tun2 [Korean] undun [Japanese] unton [Definition]The gathering of clouds. Like the gathering of clouds. [Credit] acm

�_�z [Pinyin] yun2bu4 [Korean] unpo [Japanese] unfu [Definition]To spread out like clouds in the sky. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 96F6 [Pinyin] ling2 lian2 [Korean] ryeong [Japanese] rei [Definition](1) Falling rain. (2) To fall, to drop. (3) To break down, to crumble. (4) To wither, to die. (5) A little bit. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 96F7 [Pinyin] lei2 [Korean] roe [Japanese] rai [Definition]Thunder; thunder and lightning. Loud. Awesome, powerful. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 96F9 [Pinyin] bao2 bo2 [Korean] bag [Japanese] haku hou [Definition]Hail, sleet, freezing rain. [Credit] acm

�d [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 05 [Total Strokes] 13 [Unicode] 96FB [Pinyin] dian4 [Korean] jeon [Japanese] den [Definition]Lightning, thunderbolt. Electricity. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 06 [Total Strokes] 14 [Unicode] 9700 [Pinyin] xu1 ruan3 nuan ru [Korean] su [Japanese] ju [Definition](1) To seek, search for. (2) Wait for, await, expect. To wait for the rain to stop. (3) Necessary, necessity. (4) Soft, gentle. (5) Yijing hexagram number five: "Waiting." [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 9704 [Pinyin] xiao1 [Korean] so [Japanese] shou [Definition](1) Heaven, sky. (2) Sleet. (3) Cloud(s). (4) Night. (5) Extinguish[��]. [Credit] acm

���� [Pinyin] xiao1rang3 [Korean] soyang [Japanese] shoujou [Definition]Heaven and earth; two completely different things. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 9706 [Pinyin] ting2 [Korean] jeong [Japanese] tei [Definition](1) To shake, wave, flutter. (2) The roar, boom, rumble of thunder. (3) The flash of lightning. [Credit] acm

�k [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 9707 [Pinyin] zhen4 shen1 [Korean] jin [Japanese] shin [Definition](1) Shake, excite, terrify. (2) To quicken, to arouse. (3) The 51st of the Yijing hexagrams: "Thunder." [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 9708 [Pinyin] pei4 [Korean] pae [Japanese] hai [Definition](1) A heavy rain; a downpour. Torrents of rain; rain. (2) The flow of water. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 970A [Variant]�� [Pinyin] ling2 [Korean] ryeong [Japanese] rei ryou [Definition]Simplified form of 173-16 �� [9748]. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 16 [Unicode] 970D [Pinyin] huo4 he4 [Korean] gwag [Japanese] kaku [Definition](1) Fast, quick, sudden, hurried. (2) The name of a mountain in China. (3) The name of a state during the Zhou period. (4) A surname. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 16 [Unicode] 970E [Pinyin] sha4 [Korean] sab [Japanese] sou shou [Definition](1) A light shower. A brief rain. (2) For a little while. An instant. (3) Passing; for a season. (4) The sound of the wind; the sound of the rain. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 16 [Unicode] 970F [Pinyin] fei1 [Korean] bi [Japanese] hi [Definition](1) The falling of rain. (2) The floating or dispersion of clouds. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 16 [Unicode] 9711 [Variant]�� [Pinyin] zhan1 [Korean] jeom [Japanese] ten [Definition]To wet, make moist, dampen. To become, wet, moist, damp. To be wet, moist. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 16 [Unicode] 9713 [Pinyin] ni2 [Korean] ye yeog [Japanese] gei [Definition](1) A rainbow; a dim rainbow. (2) A beautiful multicolored thing that is comparable to a rainbow. Variegated, colored. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 16 [Unicode] 9716 [Pinyin] lin2 [Korean] rim [Japanese] rin [Definition]A long period of rain; three days or more of rain. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 17 [Unicode] 9719 [Pinyin] ying1 [Korean] yeong [Japanese] ei [Definition](1) Rain mixed with snow; sleet. (2) Snow; hail. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 17 [Unicode] 971C [Pinyin] shuang1 [Korean] sang [Japanese] sou [Definition](1) Frost. (2) A year. (3) Something white. (4) Cold and sharp. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 17 [Unicode] 971E [Pinyin] xia2 [Korean] ha [Japanese] ka [Definition](1) A haze; a mist, vapor; obscurity. (2) Red clouds reflecting the morning or evening sunlight. (3) A rainbow. (4) Beautiful, amorous, fascinating, voluptuous. Vain cosmetics use. (4) To evade, avoid, escape. [��] (5) Far, distant. (6) Shrimp. (7) A garment. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 10 [Total Strokes] 18 [Unicode] 9724 [Pinyin] liu4 [Korean] ryu [Japanese] ryuu [Definition](1) Raindrops. The dripping of rain from the eaves of a roof; to drip. (2) The eaves of a roof. (3) The flow of water. (4) A gutter in the middle of the roof of ancient Chinese houses. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 11 [Total Strokes] 19 [Unicode] 9727 [Pinyin] wu4 meng2 [Korean] mu [Japanese] mu bu [Definition]Mist, fog. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 11 [Total Strokes] 19 [Unicode] 972A [Pinyin] yin2 [Korean] eum [Japanese] in [Definition]A long rainy period. Ten days or more of continuous rain. Heavy rain. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 12 [Total Strokes] 20 [Unicode] 9730 [Pinyin] xian4 [Korean] seon san [Japanese] sen san [Definition](1) Hail; hailstones; small cubes. Sleet. (2) One of the one hundred and six natural sounds. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 12 [Total Strokes] 20 [Unicode] 9733 [Pinyin] long [Korean] ryung [Japanese] ryuu [Definition](1) The god of thunder and lightning. (2) The sound of thunder. [Credit] acm

�I [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 13 [Total Strokes] 21 [Unicode] 9732 [Pinyin] lu4 lou4 [Korean] ro [Japanese] ro ru rou [Definition]{I} [lu4] (1) Dew. (2) To disclose, to reveal, to expose, betray; clarify, make manifest. Uncovered, exposed. (3) To bless. (4) To soak, moisten, to wet, dampen. (5) Light, trifling. (6) To tire, become weak, be broken down. (7) Strongly aromatic wine; aromatic water; beverages distilled from flowers, fruit or leaves. {II} [lou4] To appear, to emerge, to show. [Credit] acm

�P [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 13 [Total Strokes] 21 [Unicode] 9738 [Variant]�e [Pinyin] ba4 po4 [Korean] pae baeg [Japanese] haku ha [Definition](1) The part of the moon that is lit up. (2) To take the lead; become a leader. A leader, a boss, a section chief. (3) The de-facto leader among the nobles; a strongman who holds the true power, legally or otherwise. (4) A tyrant, who rules by force and guile in contrast to the true wang �� who rules by virtue and the favor of heaven. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 13 [Total Strokes] 21 [Unicode] 9739 [Pinyin] pi1 [Korean] byeog [Japanese] heki [Definition](1) To flutter in the wind. (2) The striking of lightning. [Credit] acm

���� [Pinyin] pi1li4 [Korean] byeongyog [Japanese] hekireki [Definition](1) The striking of a thunderbolt. (2) Terrifying thunderclaps. (3) A terrifying wind. (4) The name of a star. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 14 [Total Strokes] 22 [Unicode] 973D [Pinyin] ji4 [Korean] je [Japanese] sei sai [Definition]Be clear (weather, sky); to clear up; to stop raining. To have a clear (refreshed) mind. [Credit] acm

���� [Pinyin] ji4yue4 [Korean] jeweol [Japanese] seigetsu [Definition]The moon shining after the rain has cleared up. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 14 [Total Strokes] 22 [Unicode] 973E [Pinyin] mai2 [Korean] mae [Japanese] bai mai [Definition](1) A cloud of dust; a dust storm; sand, dust or dirt blown by the wind. A sandstorm. (2) Dusty, foggy. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 16 [Total Strokes] 24 [Unicode] 9742 [Pinyin] li4 [Korean] ryeog [Japanese] reki ryaku [Definition]A sudden strike of lightning. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 16 [Total Strokes] 24 [Unicode] 9743 [Pinyin] huo sui [Korean] hwag [Japanese] kaku sui [Definition](1) [huo, kaku] The sound of birds flying an hurried or excited fashion. (2) Dew. (3) Fine, soft, pliant. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 16 [Total Strokes] 24 [Unicode] 9744 [Pinyin] ai3 [Korean] ae [Japanese] ai [Definition](1) Haze, mist, fog. (2) To become clouded over. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 16 [Total Strokes] 24 [Unicode] 9746 [Pinyin] dai4 [Korean] che [Japanese] tai [Definition]Vague, dull, obscure, unclear. Used mostly in combination ����. See 173-17 �� [9749]. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 16 [Total Strokes] 24 [Unicode] 9748 [Variant]�� [Pinyin] ling2 [Korean] ryeong [Japanese] rei ryou [Definition](1) A rainmaker, a diviner; a person or being with spiritual or supernatural powers. (2) Spirit (of the dead); ghost, soul. (3) Life. (4) Divine, numinous, charismatic, supernatural. (5) Inconceivable spiritual ability; charismatic power; charisma. [Credit] acm

���� [Pinyin] ling2wu4 [Korean] ryeongmul [Japanese] reibutsu [Definition](1) A marvelous good omen. (2) A ghost, apparition, spirit. [Credit] acm

���� [Pinyin] ling2jia4 [Korean] ryeongga [Japanese] reiga [Definition](1) A sacred chariot; the emperor's chariot. (2) A spirit which has left the body at death, but has not yet properly gone away to the next realm. [Credit] acm

�� [Radical] 173 [Strokes] 17 [Total Strokes] 25 [Unicode] 9749 [Pinyin] ai4 [Korean] ae [Japanese] ai [Definition]Cloudy. The binome ���� means:(1) Cloudy. (2) The luxuriant growth of vegetation. (3) The covering over, or hanging over by/of clouds. (4) Eyeglasses. [Credit] acm

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