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Small Assignment Four Illustration 1. Prepare

  • Try Sketchup’s Self-paced Tutorials and the online Video Tutorials (access both from the Help menu).    
  • Study example sculptures and paintings for compositional inspiration.
  • Download Assignment 4 template : [], uncompress the files and place them in your Arch610 folder.

2.  Design an expressive wood structure
Create a typical wood stud by drawing a 2" x 8" rectangle and extruding it up 8', typing the dimensions.   The exercise will be easier if you assume uncut lengths and make the first stud into a Component (mouse context menu).  Use as few or as many members as you like.

Experiment with Move+copy, rotate+copy and mirror (scale with dragging inside out) to generate configurations of the wood studs.  Drawing construction lines with the Tape Measure tool can help keep order.  Group (mouse context menu) and save the most interesting combinations as Components.  Try editing down to essentials so that spaces are defined yet the structure is airy and transparent.  You can cross members assuming that the joint details will be worked out later.  You can float pieces as if they are supported by minimalist cables or threaded rods.

3. Create a concrete base to complement the light wood structure.  Begin with a simple rectilinear platform and use the push/pull function to sculpt a base.  Think of the plastic nature of concrete as you try extruding supports and carving voids that echo the upper structure.   Try selecting and adjusting faces and edges.

4. Render & Export Images
Find and save interesting views (View menu > Tourguide > Add Page).   Optionally paint the pieces with up to 3 colors or materials, using patterns sparingly.   Experiment with rendering options and sun position until you create a pleasing view. 

Select File > Export > 2D Graphic.  Save as a medium quality JPG and use the “Export Image Options” to adjust the image resolution, in this case Width/Height to 600 x 400 pixels and make sure that “Anti-Alias” is enabled. Save one plan view that is not in perspective.

5. Post it
Compose the webpage with at least three images, resizing images as necessary in Photoshop, adding 200 to 300 words of description.  Upload the page and e-mail your GTF.


For the ambitious:

  • Collage a sculpture image so it fits into the given courtyard image.
  • Explore how the digital Sandbox can sculpt the base.
  • Create a context for the sculpture by building the whole courtyard, including seating. 
  • Collage in images for the background and entourage.  


Mary Miss
Jackie Ferrara
House of Phineas Gage by James Harrison, UO Straub Hall Courtyard
Laslo Maholy Nagy paintings

Sketchup Video Tutorials
University of Liverpool Sketchup Tutorials (shows 2D to 3D process with Villa Savoye)

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