Create a room or building model using given symbol and then substitute for given symbols to create variations.
- To develop competency in basic creation and geometric transformations
- To learn methods of model organization with layers, groups and symbols.
- To understand how design variations can be generated using symbol substitution
Working with Symbols
1. Place symbols with the S-Place icon
- Open Palette menu > Symbols
- Load a Library
- Select symbol
- Select S-Place icon
- Pick a location for the origin
2. Replace a symbol
- Create forms for the new symbol
- Select the geometry
- Select S-Create
- Pick the corresponding origin point , name the symbol with exactly the same name as an existing symbol, and choose OK to replace the symbol.
3. Create a new libary to store your own symbols. Open the Symbols Palette, clicking on the word Library, then selecting New in the dialog box
4. Create new symbols with the S-Create icon:
- Select geometry
- Select S-Create icon
- Locate handle
- Assign name
Building with interchangeable kit-of-parts
A kit-of-parts is a set of components that can be fit together to create a building, like Legos. Four kit-of-parts systems have been prepared by A. Scott Howe. The components from each system has been loaded as symbols into their own FormZ library. Each system has its own flavor or "style": classic, hightech, space-age and timber. Each FormZ library has six types of components: column, truss, roof, wall, corner, and floor. They share the same name so they can be easily exchanged.
1. Download and decompress the FormZ library .ZLB files to a folder on your hard drive.
2. Open a new FormZ model from the file menu.
3. Set the grid size by choosing "window setup" from the window menu. Set X Module to be 4'-0" with 4 divisions, then click ok.
4. Set the snap option by choosing "snap options" from the window menu. Set the X Grid Snap Module to be 4'-0", then click ok.
5. Load the library by clicking on the word "library" on the symbol palette. In the dialog that appears, click on the "load" button. Choose the FormZ library you just downloaded.
6. Use the components to create architectural form by placing symbols from the library into your new model. Just select the "place" tool on the tool palette (has an icon like a stamp), select level 2 on the symbol palette, highlight the component you want, and click on the grid. The component will appear where you clicked. You can now move it around, copy it, rotate and mirror it.
7. When you finish, find a view to render, save as both FormZ FMZ model and JPG image.
FOR THE ADVANCED Create your own library of symbols working from a famous architect's vocabulary, then follow his or her rules to create a not-yet-built imitation.