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Your job is to shape the UO[v]MoMA courtyard: a place where the visitor can get a breath of fresh air and take a break from their journey through the world of art. The courtyard is missing a centerpiece. So the idea arises to create a climbing sculpture and a sheltering enclosure that work together to create beautiful shadows. Because the museum has the donated services of a concrete company and extra wood studs, the curator asks you to create a sculpture with extruded forms and carved spaces.  The concrete base will be complemented by a wooden sunscreening sculpture created from 2 x 4 wood pieces.




  • To introduce sculpting space with carving, extrusion and component parts.
  • To introduce a 3D modeling program, Sketchup, as a design tool


To become familiar with

  • Navigating 3D space, saving and retrieving views
  • Transforming simple objects in 3D space by moving, rotating, scaling and mirroring
  • Using component (symbols) and groups to organize a model
  • Exploring design variations through layer visibility


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