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Quality Criteria for Assignments #2 & #3

For each project 7 points are possible.  While the following factors will be considered with approximately equal weighting, completeness and timeliness are essential for a strong mark.  Specific criteria are noted for #2 & #3.


  • Addresses assignment objectives
    • #2: Includes both carving and modular building
    • #3: Uses frieze or space-filling symmetry patterns creatively
    • #3: Experiments with natural and electric lighting to create beautiful shadows
  • Expressive sense of place - conveys a strong personality or story rather than a "generic" atmosphere
  • Presentation has a focus and hierarchy

Design Quality

  • Unified aesthetics:  harmonious geometry, repetition / reinforcement of forms
  • Well-composed images
  • Harmonious color palette
  • Strong sense of craft 

Technical Competence

  • Comprehensive effort: forms and spaces show range of tool use
  • Controlled placement and dimensions of objects
  • Detailed development : tries out advanced tools (i.e. Components, Intersect, Sandbox)
  • Controls lighting, textures, background for expressive effect


  • Follows procedural details of the assignment
  • Completed by the deadline
  • Model further developed for Assignment #3
  • Required images uploaded to ePortfolios website with 200 word description and colorful image titles.

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