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The museum has a new patron who loves regular geometric patterns.  He is contributing funds for a new courtyard structure that works with the sun in creating ever-changing shadow patterns.

By editing your previous work or starting anew, develop a scene with a harmonious set of forms that showcases different geometric shadows at different times of day and night. Create a secure courtyard enclosure or develop a natural setting with the Sandbox.  You can design canopies, gates, fences or layered screens as well as surfaces to catch the shadows.  Look at how viewpoint, sun and rendering settings can accentuate compelling aspects of your scene. 




This exercise develops technical control and aesthetic judgment.


  • Develop judgment about 2D and 3D composition
  • Develop modeling control through creating regular geometric patterns
  • Leverage use of nested components
  • Control place-perception through viewpoint, sun settings, materials and rendering settings
  • Enrich renderings with images as textures and backgrounds


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