Interested in Joining Us?
Undergraduate Research Assistants

Much of the research conducted in this lab would not be possible without the support of our
undergraduate research assistants (RAs). Working as a research assistant is a great
opportunity to learn more about the research process, as well as get experience conducting
research if you're interested in pursuing graduate training in the future. The sorts of tasks
that RAs in the lab carry out include data collection, data entry, data coding, assisting with
the design and development of research materials, and participating in weekly lab meetings.

Preferred qualifications include completion of Psy 303 (Research Methods) with a B or
higher, ability to take iniative and work independently, and ability to work well with others.
We prefer to hire RAs that are willing to make a two-term commitment to the lab. If you are
interested please complete an application and return it to Sara Hodges via email.

Prospective Graduate Students

Does our research sound interesting to you? If so, you may want to consider joining the lab
as a graduate student. For more information about our doctoral program, click here. For
more information about our terminal masters degree program, click here.