 Start with a plastic tub |
 Add polyester batting |
 Coarse gravel layer |
 Fine gravel layer |
 EWEB filter sand |
 finish with river rock |
Filter Construction Procedures
5 gallon plastic tub (with drainage holes drilled in bottom)
is filled with the following layers of materials:
- 1"- 100% polyester fiber
- 2"- 3/8" round rock
- 3"- 3/4" round rock
- 3"- filter sand (uniform grain size about 0.5mm)
- 1"- 1 1/2" round rock
- Flush system using Millrace water until effluent clarity is indistinguishable
from incoming water. This process (about 2 hours) helps to encourage the
development of a "schmutzdecke" (a layer of biological slime that aids in
trapping small particles.)
- Filter is elevated and slightly tilted to encourage water flow and catchment.