Environmental Control Systems I
Architecture 591

Vital Signs Case Study

******************** Methodology ********************

The methodology used in the case study was as follows:

******************** Questionnaire ********************

Architectural Case Study Survey
1. On the following diagram, please circle the computer at which you are seated.
2. What time of day is it?
3. What are the outdoor lighting conditions?
                a) Overcast     b) Sun     c) Rain    d) Night-time
4. Please glance behind you to the windows.  On each window there is a solid and a mesh shade.  On the diagram below, mark the levels of the shades:  M for Mesh shade and S for Solid shade.
5. Are you experiencing any dissatisfaction with the lighting in the room?
            Please mark all that apply:
            _____lighting is too bright
            _____lighting is too dim
            _____glare on the computer screen
            _____room is too hot
            _____room is too cold
6. Please write any other comments on the usability of the computer lab.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey.  If you would like more information on the results of this study, our web page is located at:


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