The annual variations (seasonal variations and changing constellations in the night sky) are caused by the orbital motion (revolution) of the Earth around the Sun. The Earth moves from the west-to-east around the Sun (i.e., in the CCW-sense as viewed from the NCP--the Earth rotates and revolves in the same sense, west-to-east).

As a result of the orbital motion of the Earth, the Sun moves slowly through the stars on the Celestial Sphere from west-to-east. The path it traces out is referred to as the Ecliptic and the constellations through which it passes are referred to as the Zodiac Constellations.

The Sun takes one sidereal year (roughly 365.2564 days) to make one complete trip through the stars. Helpful video

Equinoxes and Solstices

To define positions of objects on the Celestial Sphere, we use Right Ascension and Declination. We already noted that the Right Ascension is measured east and west of the point on the Celestial Equator known as the Vernal Equinox. How is the Vernal Equinox defined?

The rotation axis of the Earth and the orbital axis of the Earth are not parallel. They are misaligned by an angle of 23.5o.

As a result, the Ecliptic and the Celestial Equator are inclined at angle 23.5o with respect to each other. Because of this, the orbit of the Earth sometimes places the Sun above the Celestial Equator and sometimes below the Celestial Equator. This motion gives us some natural checkpoints on the Celestial Sphere. We define the following points on the Celestial Sphere;

Vernal (Mar 20, 2022 UTC) and Autumnal (Sep 22, 2022 UTC) Equinoxes and Winter (Dec 21, 2022 UTC) and Summer (June 21, 2022 UTC) Solstices

The two equinoxes occur when the Sun passes through the Celestial Equator and the two solstices occur when the Sun is at its greatest distance north and south of the Celestial Equator.

The Seasonal Variations

The misalignment between the rotation axis and orbital axis of the Earth coupled with the orbital motion of the Earth leads to the changing of the seasons. Note that the seasons change with a period of 365.2422 days, the Tropical year, an interval slightly shorter than the sidereal year. The question we now address is

How does the axis misalignment and orbital motion lead to seasonal variations on the Earth?

There are two primary effects:

The year of the seasons, the Tropical year, is a little shorter than the sidereal year.

Why is the Tropical Year Shorter than the Sidereal Year?

Leap Years: Because the Tropical Year is 365.2422 d long which is around 1/4 of a day longer than the calendrical year, the calendar and the seasons would get out of sync if nothing was done to correct for this mismatch. To correct for this, Leap Years are inserted periodically (usually every fourth year). If we always added a day every fourth year, we would still run into trouble because 4 x 0.2422 d = 0.9688 d and an extra 0.0312 d would be added every 4 years. This would again cause the calendar to get out of sync with the seasons.

Consequently, further rules concerning leap years are formulated:

Unfortunately, this still isn't quite right and it was decreed that there would be no leap years for the years 4000, 8000, and so on.