History 190: Foundations of East Asian Civilizations



Fall 2005                                                                          Ina Asim

CRN 13334                                                                                 317 McKenzie Hall

UH 16.00-17.20 pm                                                           Phone: 346-6161

GER 302                                                                            inaasim@uoregon.edu

                                                                                     Office Hours: UH 1:00-2:00 pm

                                                      GTFs:  Soonyi Lee, Guannan Li,

                                                                Abby Drivdahl, Carissa Sharp


Keynotes 1 (Lecture notes of September 27)
Keynotes 2 (Lecture notes of September 29)
Keynotes 3
Keynotes 4
(Lecture notes of October 4)
Keynotes 5 (Lecture notes of October 6)
Keynotes 6 (Lecture notes of October 11)
Keynotes 7 (Lecture notes of October 13, 18)
Keynotes 8

Keynotes 9

Keynotes 10

Keynotes 11
Keynotes 12
Keynotes 13
Keynotes 14


The final exam will take place on Monday, December 5 at 1:00 pm in our classroom in Gerlinger Hall 302!


Please consider the following topics for the final:

- Unique characteristics of the respective indigenous cultures;

- Chinese influence on East Asian cultures
- Explain the most important changes that define Song China as a 'new' society: what was new in government?
; what was new in the cities?; what was new in technology?; what was new in Wang Anshi's reforms? (land, prices, army, education)

- Which problems did the Song face?

- Know the map of the Song dynasty. What does the map on the web page show?

- Give some culturally important contributions of the Mongol Yuan dynasty.

- Emperor Hongwu was very conservative. Describe his ideal society.
- Travel was an important topic for the Ming. Who could travel? Was travel always favored?
- When commerce became more important than agriculture, a change in the traditional division of labor occurred. Please describe this change briefly.
- Who was Admiral Zheng He?
- Which disadvantage had labor service for those drafted (in addition to heavy labor)? Which economic regulation measure brought a change in this situation?
- Name at least two reasons, why literacy in the Ming increased dramatically.
- There was a new trend in intellectual history in the Ming. Please describe this trend that linked philosophy and religion.

- The most important emperors of the Qing dynasty had one aspect of their rule in common, they ruled China by Confucian standards. Please describe briefly what they were famous for.

- What is a 'banner'?

- Describe the system of population segregation under Manchu rule. Was it successful?

- Native banks handled money transfer methods. Name at least two forms of transfer they used.

You should also be able to explain briefly the following terms:





To prepare for the final, you'll have to pay the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Galleries in the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art a visit.

Please find out

1. What are 'mandarin squares'?
2. What is Ukiyo-e?

3. What do Tiger and Magpie symbolize in Korean painting?

4. Find your favorite object in the galleries and be able to describe it (time period; function; material)

The museum is open from Wednesday (11 am - 8 pm) to Sunday (Thursday through Sunday 11 am - 5 pm). Admission is free for UO students with student ID.


This is an introductory course to the history of traditional China and Japan with excursions to Korea and Vietnam. It covers the period from the Neolithic to the beginnings of European imperialism in Asia in the 18th century.

Within the chronological framework the geographical conditions that formed agriculture in Asia, the technological developments that made its economy successful, and the shared basis of philosophical ideas will be analyzed.



The following course book is available at the UO bookstore:

Rhoads Murphey, East Asia. A New History. New York: Pearson, Longman 2004.


► Reading of assigned materials 

► Regular attendance of lectures and participation in discussions

► Midterm and final exams

One term paper




► Attendance, discussion participation: 20%

► Midterm (October 27) and final exam (December 5, 13.00 pm): each 20% (total 40 %)

4 short quizzes on readings / films presented in the lecture / discussion sections: each 5% (total  20%)

► 1 short paper (ca. 4 pages, typed double spaced) on handout with proverbs concerning Chinese history: 20%


The paper is due in week 9 to avoid delays and collisions with preparations for the finals. Papers handed in late will be accepted only with documented medical justification.

All quotations and paraphrases must be documented properly. This includes webpages you might plan to consult. The complete URL web address of any webpage used is mandatory. For correct citations please follow the guidelines provided on http://www.libweb.uoregon.edu/guides/citing.html


Material for your term paper

Please use the handout containing a selection of Chinese proverbs with historical content from Adeline Yen Mah, A Thousand Pieces of Gold. A Memoir of China's Past Through Its Proverbs. New York: Haper Collins 2002, as the basis for your term paper. The paper has to be handed in by week 9. Start to read the material and write your paper as soon as possible to avoid work congestion at the end of the term. You can comment on one or several of the proverbs. You may either find an expression/ expressions in your mother tongue, find a proverb that expresses the opposite idea of the selected proverb, or comment creatively by describing a situation (political, economic, personal experience etc.) in which you think that the proverb is applicable today or could have been used in history.


Fall term possibilities to improve writing skills:


1. The Writing Lab in the Center for Academic Learning Services is located in 68 PLC (Prince Lucien Campbell Hall). The Writing Lab offers assistance in the process of writing term papers etc. You can drop in, usually it is not necessary to make an appointment (346-3226). 


For international students there is the option of courses offered by the program "Academic English for International Students" in 112C Pacific Hall (346-0513).


2. The American English Institute offers writing classes for students who want to improve their writing skills. The AEI is located in 107 Pacific Hall. Leonard Terrible (346-1090) in 109 Pacific Hall is head of the Intensive English Program.




Course Outline


Week 1


09/27   U         1. Introduction: The Physical and Intellectual Maps of East Asia - China,

                            Japan, Korea, Vietnam

                            Reading: Murphey 1-19 


09/29   H         2. The Material Culture of Prehistoric East Asia

Reading:  Murphey 20-40                      


Week 2


10/04   U        3. The Age of the Philosophers in China: Confucius, Xunzi, and Mencius

                            Reading: Murphey 40-46 ( + additional handouts)


10/06   H         4. The Age of the Philosophers in China: Mozi, the Daoists, and Legalism

                            Reading: Murphey 46-55 ( + additional handouts)


Film: Confucius: Words of Wisdom (97 min)


Week 3


10/11   U         5. The Beginnings of the Chinese Empire: Qin and Han Politics and


     Reading: Murphey 56-75


10/13   H         6. The Origins of Buddhism and its Impact on China

     Reading: Murphey 76-98


Film: Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism (18 min.); Buddhism (28 min.)


Week 4


10/18   U         7. Statecraft and Technology under the Song Buraucracy

                            Reading: Murphey 99-116


10/20   H         8. Yuan Domination in China

                             Reading: Murphey 116-122


Film: Storm from the East (31 min.)


Week 5


10/25   U         9. Conservatism and Prosperity in Late Imperial China

                            Reading: Murphey 127-135, 145-146, 148-169


10/27   H         10. MIDTERM (covers lectures, sections, and readings of weeks 1-5)



Week 6


11/01   U         11. China's Neighbors: Cultural Influences on Vietnam and Korea

                              Reading: Murphey 170-189



11/03   H         12. Japan's Links to China and Korea

                               Reading: Murphey 190-202


Film: Buddha in the Land of the Kami (54 min.)


Week 7


11/08   U         13. The Heian and Kamakura Periods in Japan

                              Reading: Murphey 203-219


11/10   H         14. Muromachi Culture

                             Reading: Murphey 219-229


Film: The Age of the Shoguns (52 min.)


Week 8


11/15   U         15. Missionaries and Merchants: The Advent of the West

                              Reading: Murphey 230-249


11/17   H         16. Tokugawa Japan

                              Reading: Murphey 250-269



Week 9


11/22   U         17. Imperialism I: China

                              Reading: Murphey 270-289



11/24   H         THANKSGIVING


Week 10


11/29   U         19. Japan's Response to Political and Economic Challenges

                                Reading: Murphey 290-308


12/01   H         20. Imperialism II: Korea and Vietnam, Burma, Malaya, and Siam

                              Reading: Murphey 309-327


Week 11


12/05   M         13.00 Final Exam   (covers weeks 6-10)