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841 and 842 (Ginkaku-ji, Kogetsudai)

Fujimori Shizuo (1891-1943)

Japanese Color Woodblock Print

841 and 842 (Ginkaku-ji, Kogetsudai)

by Funasaka Yoshisuke, 1984

Fujimori Shizuo (1891-1943)

IHL Cat. #987

IHL Cat. #1049

About This Print

Two prints forming a diptych using a combination of silkscreen (from a deconstructed photograph image) for the background and woodlbock for the artist's signature brightly colored vertical forms.  The background image is of the Kogetsudai in the Ginkaku Temple grounds and is the same image as is used in this collection's print Ginkaku-ji Kyoto, IHL Cat. #985.  

Print Details
 IHL Catalog #987, #1049
 Title or Description 842, 841 (Ginkaku-ji, Kogetsudai)
 Funasaka Yoshisuke (b. 1939)
 Y. Funasaka in pencil
 Seal none
 Publication Date 1984
 Edition #987 66 of 100; #1049 82 of 100
 Publisher self-published
 Carver self-carved
 Printer unknown, but possibly self-printed or printed by A. Sakayori who Funasaka started working with during the early 1970s
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition excellent
 Genre sosaku hanga; contemporary
 Miscellaneous stamped labels appearing on verso:
 H x W Paper #987: 13 x 12 1/4 in. (33 x 31.1 cm)
 #1049: 12 5/8 x 12 3/16 in. (32.1 x 31 cm)
 H x W Image
 #987: 10 1/8 x 9 7/8 in. (25.7 x 25.1 cm)
 #1049: 10 1/8 x 9 7/8 in. (25.7 x 25.1 cm)
 Collections This Print 
 Reference LiteratureÂ