Portrait of Kirino Toshiaki

Portrait of Saigō Takamori

 Japanese Color Woodblock Print

Portrait of Kirino Toshiaki

by Hasegawa Sadanobu II, 1877

Nakamura Jyakuemon, Arashi Rikan and Arashi Kitsusaburō in the Sogamono, Chō chidori Soga no jitsuroku

IHL Cat. #1172

About This Print

Issued towards the end of November 1877, approximately eight weeks after the end of the nine month Satsuma Rebellion (see the article Satsuma Rebellion and Saigō Takamori Prints), it portrays Kirino Toshiaki, Saigō Takamori's second in command, not in his former military uniform as a Major General in the new Meiji army (as Saigō is portrayed in the print Portrait of Saigō Takamori), but in his samurai regalia. This is befitting as Kirino was known as a ferocious swordsman, one of the "Four Hitokiri of the Bakumatsu" [幕末四大人斬り]. Kirino was to be slain along with Saigō at the last battle of the rebellion at the end of September 1877.

undated photo of Kirino Toshiaki
(also known as Nakamura Hanjirō 中村 半次郎)

Source: https://www.dh-jac.net/db/nishikie/arcUP7440/portal/
画中文字: 「利秋は元中村半治郎といひて鹿児島城の上吉野村実方といふ所に住せり 維新の前に薩藩の兵士にて京師に在番し勤王の志厚く頻りに攘夷の説を主張しそのころ水戸の耕雲斎が幕府に敵☆(手偏+元)して筑波山にこもり終に囲を突きて上京せんとせし時桐野は単身にて敦賀に赴き危険を冒して事情を探偵し無事に京師にかへりたり 其後長州征伐のとき大に異議を起し其伐べからざるの理を切論し亦西郷とは兎角不和なる故始終独立して琴を事をなせり 慶応丁卯の年事起りし時も御所の宮門を守衛し会津の護衛兵を追はらひ翌四年戊辰正月慶喜上洛の折柄伏見に戦端を開きしときも真先にすゝみて敵中へ切入り大に戦功ありしが僅に今の軍曹之如きなれば差たる名もあらわれず 夫より征討総督東下の時には先鋒隊となり本隊よりは一二宿づゝも進み江戸に着し芝増上寺の学連舎を陣営とし西郷と共に江戸城を降し後神田橋内なる酒井の上屋敷へうつり或日河野四郎と共に他行せし帰路神田にて旧幕臣の彰義隊の者に出逢ひ無法に彼方より切り掛たるを桐野は心得たりと抜き合はせて切結ぶ内右の手の指を切落されしが少しも恐れす終に其場に賊を切殺し無難に本営に戻りたり その後奥州に出陣せし時会津を陥しいるまで度々戦功ありて軍監に命ぜられ平定の後賞典禄百余石を賜り藩にかへり中村を改め桐野利秋となのりつゞひて大隊の長となり東京に上り間もなく陸軍少将に転任し熊本鎮台の司令長官となる 該台に駐在せること一年にして陸軍才判所長に転じ明治五年征韓の論起りてより西郷と共に職を辞して終に無二の党となり明治十年二月頃より西郷の謀叛に与し四陣の長となり大兵を募り鹿児島を出て肥後路に押入り所々に軍略そ指揮せしが九月廿四日鹿児島城山にて銃丸数ヶ所を貫き終に城山のけむりと共に果しとぞ」

Print Details
 IHL Catalog
 Title or Description Portrait of Kirino Toshiaki 桐野利秋 (The Former Army Major General of the Fifth Court Rank 旧陸軍少将正五位)
 Series from an untitled series of portraits of former military figures
 Artist Hasegawa Sadanobu II (1848-1940)
ōjū Sadanobu hitsu with yin-yang seal
 Seal artist's yin-yang seal
 Writer of Text
 Publication Date November 21, 1877 御届明治十年十一月十二一日
Yasuda Yosaburō 安田與三郎 [Marks. ref. 619; no publisher seals shown] 
Right side of the cartouche shows the artist's 画工 personal name
 徳太朗 [Hasegawa Tokutarō] and address.

 Carver 彫工九市 [carver Kuichi]
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition good - backing partially removed; paper waviness due to partial removal of backing; trimmed to margins left, right and bottom; small tear top right
 Genre ukiyo-e; rekishi-e
 Format vertical oban
 H x W Paper 
 14 1/8 x 9 1/4 in. (35.9 x 23.5 cm) 
 H x W Image 

 Collections This Print
 ARC Ukiyo-e Portal Database arcUP7440
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