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Illustrated Account of the Sino-Japanese War, Volume 4

Illustrated Account of the Sino-Japanese War, Volume 3

Japanese Color Woodblock Printed Book 

Illustrated Account of the Sino-Japanese War, Volume 4

by Kubota Beisen, 1894

Illustrated Account of the Sino-Japanese War, Volume 7

IHL Cat. #931

About This Book

Volume 4 of a total of eleven bound volumes1 forming a pictorial account of the first Sino-Japanese War, from its outbreak in the summer of 1894 to Japan's sea-victories at Weihaiwei, Japan's advance into Manchuria and finally the peace treaty ending the war in April 1895. The eleven volumes were published at irregular intervals between October 21st 1894 and June 6th 1895.  Each volume has an introduction written by a well-known figure of the time.  The books were produced from carved woodblocks and are bound in the usual method of "bound-pocket books" (Fukuro toji 袋綴じ). Volumes 5 through 11 have English captions above the illustrations.

The illustrations in these books were widely dispersed overseas to an audience closely following the war, as can be seen from the below illustrations from Volume 6 that appeared in the 1895 French publication Revue Encyclopédique: Recueil Documentaire Universel et Illustré, published by Georges Moreau in Paris.

Images as they appear in Volume 6 of Illustrated Account of the Sino-Japanese War

Kubota and Sons on the Front
Source: Japan at the Dawn of the Modern Age – Woodblock Prints from the Meiji Era, Louise E. Virgin, Donald Keene, et. al., MFA Publications, 2001, p. 68.

"A unique and important source of inspiration for the Sino-Japanese War print artists was the journalistic reports written and illustrated by the Kyoto painter Kubota Beisen (1852-1906).  Accompanied by his two sons, Beisai and Kinsen, Beisen actually followed the troops [the First Army division] and recorded their battles in words and sketches.  And Beisen himself was depicted almost as a war hero in a small number of triptych designs." (See the print Ban-Banzai for the Great Japanese Empire! Illustration of the Assault on Songhwan: A Great Victory for Our Troops.)

Source: A Much Recorded War: The Russo-Japanese War in History and Imagery, Fredrick A. Sharf, Anne Nishimura Morse, Sebastian Dobson, MFA Publications, 2005, p. 40-41.
"In their ten-volume2 Illustrated Record of the Battles of the Sino-Japanese War, from 1894-95, Beisen and his two sons describe the events of the war against a landscape this is beholden to East Asian literati painting and prints, with fibrous texture strokes used to define mountainsides and riverbanks and stippling to suggest the foliage on the trees.  Yet the artists have consistently modeled the figures of the Japanese soldiers with light and darks to heighten the solidity of their forms.  This modeling contrasts with the time-honored use of simple hooked outlines to define the figures of the Chinese combatants."


Advertisement appearing in A Concise History of the War Between Japan and China,
compiled by Jikichi Inouye, Osaka: Z. Mayekawa, Tokyo: Y. Okura, 1895.
[note: while the ad states "Complete in ten parts." an eleventh volume was added at a later date.]

2015 Reprint of All Eleven Volumes
In 2015, the Osaka publisher Sōgensha 創元社 reprinted all eleven volumes in a single 470 page volume with additional commentary.

Egakareta Nisshin Sensō: Kubota Beisen "Nisshin sentō gahō": eiin, honkokuban, gasha Kubota Beisen, Kubota Beisai, Kubota Kinsen ; Ōtani Tadashi, Fukui Junko hen.
描かれた日清戦争 : 久保田米僊「日清戦闘画報」 : 影印・翻刻版

1 Ten volumes were originally planned, but an eleventh titled 凱旋編 (Triumphal Return) was added at a later date.
2 See note 1 above.

Published on December 22, 1894, Volume 4 covers events during September 1894 including the Emperor's relocation to the imperial headquarters in Hiroshima on September 15, 1894 and the Battle of the Yellow Sea on September 17, 1894.

1. The below descriptions in Japanese are taken from the National Diet Library https://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/995305

back cover 

Nisshin Sentō Gahō, Volume 4

folded insert
附録 (supplement)

Temporary army camp - signed Beisen
page 2
序 Preface
page 1
序 Preface

page 6-7
page 4-5
 page 3
The arrival of the Emperor in Hiroshima on September 15, 1894

page 12-13
 page 10-11
 page 8-9

page 18-19
page 16-17 
 page 14-15 


page 24-25
History from the fall of Pyongyang to the naval battle of Haiyang

 page 22-23
Lieutenant General Kabayama reports to the Emperor

History from the fall of Pyongyang to the naval battle of Haiyang
page 20-21


page 30-31
History from the fall of Pyongyang to the naval battle of Haiyang
 page 28-29
History from the fall of Pyongyang to the naval battle of Haiyang
  page 26-27
History from the fall of Pyongyang to the naval battle of Haiyang

page 36-37
History from the fall of Pyongyang to the naval battle of Haiyang
page 34-35
History from the fall of Pyongyang to the naval battle of Haiyang
page 32-33
History from the fall of Pyongyang to the naval battle of Haiyang

page 40-41
Battle map
畵者 久保田米僊
者 久保田米齊
畵者 久保田金仙
編輯兼 発行人 大倉保五郎
印刷人 杉原辨次
発賣所 大倉書店  
印刷所 杉原
剞劂人 梅澤巳之吉
printed on December 21, 1894
published on December 22, 1894
painter Kubota Beisen
painter Kubota Beisai
painter Kubota Kinsen
editor and publisher Ōkura Yasugorō
printer Sugihara Benjirō
publishing house Ōkura shoten
printing office Sugihara kappanjo
carver Umezawa Minokichi

   Summary of the first four volumes
page 38-39
History from the fall of Pyongyang to the naval battle of Haiyang

Book Details

 IHL Catalog #931
 Illustrated Account of the Sino-Japanese War, Volume 4
 日清戦闘畫報* 第四編 (Nisshin Sentō Gahō, daishi hen) 
 *typically seen written as 日清戦闘画報
[also written as 日清戰鬪畫報 and 日清戰鬥畫報]
Kubota Beisen (1852-1906) [assisted by his sons Kubota Beisai 久保田 米齊 (1874-1937) and Kubota Kinsen 久保田 金仙 (1875-1954)]

left: detail from colophon
畫者 [illustrators]:
久保田 米 僊
久保田 米 齊
久保田 金 仙
 illustrations not signed unless noted on above thumbnails
 Seal illustrations not sealed unless noted on above thumbnails
 Publication Date December 22, 1894 明治廿七年十二月廿日發行
 Publisher Ōkura Yasugorō 大倉保五郎 (Ōkura shoten)- Tokyo
 Carver Umezawa Minokichi 梅澤巳之吉
 Printer Sugihara Benjirō 杉原辨次郎
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition fair - minor toning and staining throughout; binding and all pages in tact but with paper ware and folding and worm damage through first seven leaves
 Genre ehon 絵本. senso-e
 Format fukurotoji
 H x W Paper 6 3/4 x 9 1/4 in. (17.1 x 23.5 cm)
 Collections This Book Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 2000.338 (Volume 3)Victoria & Albert Museum E.2531-1925 (volumes 1-5 and 8); Rijksmuseum Netherlands RP-P-2005-594
Japanese Special Collection in Sterling Memorial Library at Yale University, ID #1121 (Volume 3); UCLA Libraries and Collections Record ID 2035932 (Volumes 1-3); University of Chicago Library Call No.: J6289.2 2269 (Volumes 1-3); Cornell University Library call number Asai Rare DS765.K95 (Volumes 1-11); Williamsburg Research Libraries Partnership Swem Library DS765 .K82 v.1 (Volumes 1-11); Columbia University Libraries East Asian SPECIAL COLL. DS765.K82 1894 (Volumes 1-11); Brown University Library Hay MilitaryDS765.K83x 1894 (Volumes 1-8); Harvard University HOLLIS: 007566215 (Volumes 1-11); National Diet Library (Volumes1-3, 6, 8); National Institute of Japanese Literatue (volumes 1-11); St. Louis Museum of Art [Volumes 4 (844:2010), 5 (855-2010), 8 (848:2010)]
 Reference Literature Japan at the Dawn of the Modern Age – Woodblock Prints from the Meiji Era, Louise E. Virgin, Donald Keene, et. al., MFA Publications, 2001, ill. 23, p. 63; In Battle's Light: Woodblock Prints of Japan's Early Modern Wars, Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, Worcester Art Museum, 1991, p. 14; The World of the Meiji Print: Impressions of a New Civilization, Julia Meech-Pekarik, Weatherhill, 1986 p. 206; Conflicts of Interest: Art and War in Modern Japan, Philip K. Hu, et. al., Saint Louis Museum of Art, 2016, p. 158-160.
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