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Stone Garden of Kyoto


Japanese Color Woodblock Print

Stone Garden of Kyoto

attributed to Yoshida Masaji, c. 1960s

IHL Cat. #386

About This Print

A small print showing rock groups 2 and 4 out of 15 groups in the The Karesansui (Dry Landscape) garden at the Ryoanji temple (Temple of the Peaceful Dragon ) in Kyoto.  For Masaji's abstract take on Ryoan-ji see Ground No. 3.

Ryoanji is the most famous and celebrated garden in Japan. Simply composed of stone and sand, it serves as a subtle yet effective example of the dry garden type.

This print is attributed to Yoshida Masaji (1917–1971) by Kanda's Gallery of Tokyo.  A sticker on the back of the framed print reads:
One of the arts that flourished under the influence of Zen philosophy was garden architecture.  Although the Japanese garden was always a replica of nature in miniature, in the 14th century the size was further reduced and the trees and shrubs replaced by rocks and sand.

The stone garden of Ryoan-ji temple in Kyoto, laid out in the 15th century, is the most famous for the fifteen rocks, arranged in five groups, on raked sand.  The harmony in color, shape and size of the rocks makes this one of the most subtle and powerful gardens in Japan.  The rocks can be interpreted as islands in a river or as high peaks soaring over clouds.

 Ryoanji rock groups 2, 3 and 4
Ryoanji rock groups 2 and 4

Print Details

 IHL Catalog #386
 Title Stone Garden of Kyoto
 Series n/a
 Yoshida Masaji (1917–1971) - attributed to "Masaji Yoshida" by Kanda's Gallery, Tokyo per label on back of frame
signature of artist at lower left (photo of signature enhanced)
 Seal none
 Date unknown
 Publisher  likely self-published
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition excellent - matted and framed (not examined out of frame)
 Genre sosaku hanga (creative print)
 H x W Paper
 H x W Image 3 3/4 X 5 3/4 in. (9.5 x 14.6 cm)
 Collections This Print
 Reference Literature 
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