About This Book
飛行機雲 : 版画と散文詩 Hikōkigumo: Hanga to sanbunshi Contrail: Prints and Prose Poetry | 宮下登喜雄 版画・文 Tokio Miyashita prints・text | 吾八書房 Gohachi Shobō | 2000.11 |
佐渡紀行 Sado Kikō Sado Traveler’s Journal | 宮下登喜雄 版画・文 Tokio Miyashita prints・text | 吾八書房 Gohachi Shobō | 1999.10 |
都会の憂愁 : 版画と随想 Tokai no yūshū: Hanga to zuisō Melancholy of the City: Prints and Essays | 宮下登喜雄 版画・文 Tokio Miyashita prints・text | 吾八書房 Gohachi Shobō | 1998.11 |
犬と暮した十二年 : 愛犬ジュンの生涯 Inu to kurashita jūninen : Aiken jun no shōgai Twelve Years Living with a Dog : The Life of My Dog Jun | 宮下登喜雄 文・版画 Tokio Miyashita text・prints | 吾八書房 Gohachi Shobō | 1996.6 |
マンハッタンあちらこちら Manhattan achira kochira Manhattan Here and There | 宮下登喜雄 版画・文 Tokio Miyashita prints・text | 吾八書房 Gohachi Shobō | 1995.5 |
江戸・東京川と暮し Edo Tōkyō kawa to kurashi Edo and Tokyo River and Life | 宮下登喜雄 文・銅版画 Tokio Miyashita text・etchings | 吾八書房 Gohachi Shobō | 1994.5 |
ぼくの武蔵野 Boku no musashino My Musashino | 宮下登喜雄 版画と文 Tokio Miyashita prints and text | 吾八書房 Gohachi Shobō | 1993.5 |
白秋詩抄 Hakushū shishō Hakushū Kitahara Poetry | 北原白秋 詩 ; 宮下登喜雄 銅版画 Hakushū Kitahara poetry; Tokio Miyashita etchings | 吾八書房 Gohachi Shobō | 1992.12 |
Aikawa rakujitsuSunset at Aikawa Riverpage 3image size: 6 9/16 x 5 3/16 in. (16.7 x 13.2 cm) Lighthouse over Senkakuwan Baypage 14image size: 1 3/4 x 3 1/2 in. (4.4 x 8.9 cm)
Stone monumentpage 18image size: 5 1/16 x 1 7/8 in. (12.9 x 4.8 cm) Ishi koboshiStone acolytes - Jizoupage 19image size: 3 x 4 5/8 in. (7.6 x 11.7 cm)
Kinzan Doyu no WaritoSado Gold and Silver Mine Doyu Openingpage 27image size: 6 3/16 x 5 1/8 in. (15.7 x 13 cm)[V-shaped mountain-top split resulting from opencast mining in the Edo period] Ishi koboshiStone acolytespage 35image size: 3 9/16 x 4 7/8 in. (9 x 12.4 cm)
Fishing village on Sotokaifu coastpage 39image size: 6 1/8 x 5 in. (15.6 x 12.7 cm) Fishing villagepage 41image size: 3 1/2 x 4 11/16 in. (8.9 x 11.9 cm)
OndekoDeity mask dancepage 44image size: 4 1/8 x 4 11/16 in. (10.5 x 11.9 cm)[Ondeko is a quintessentially Sado traditional performing art. It is offered on many occasions, rituals and festivals in Sado, to pray for the year's good harvest or catch, and the well-being of families.] Noroma NingyoNoroma puppet theaterpage 47image size: 6 9/16 x 5 3/16 in. (16.7 x 13.2 cm)[A Tangible Folk Cultural Property, in which the verses are spoken in an idyllic Sado dialect]
Table of Contentsclick on image to enlarge
はしがき Introduction
佐渡の風土 Sado’s topography
小木・宿根木 Ogi・Shukunegi
流人文化 Wandering culture?
金銀宝の山 Doyu-no-warito
石小法師 Ishi koboshi
外海府 Sotokaifu (coast of Sado)
佐渡の芸能 Performing arts of Sado
佐渡で燃えた二人の男 unread Colophonclick on image to enlarge
版画・文・装訂・刊行 宮下登喜雄
Prints・writing・ cover design・ publication: Miyashita Tokio
印刷 栄光社 printer: Eikosha
製本 山田大成堂 bookbinding: Yamada Taiseidō
用紙 山田商会・東秩父和紙センター
paper: Yamada Shōkai Co. Ltd ・ Higashichichibu washi center
発行 吾八書房 publisher: Gohachi Shobō
刊行 ー九九九年十月二十日 publication: October 20, 1999
第七回くらぶデときお刊本 The 7th book of the Tokio Club
Book Details
IHL Catalog | #1511 |
Title | Sado Traveler's Journal 佐渡紀行 Sado kikō |
Series | |
Artist | Miyashita Tokio (1930–2011) |
Signature | ![]() |
Seal | not sealed |
Date | 1999 |
Edition | 20 of 170 |
Publisher | Gohachi Shobō 吾八書房 |
Impression | excellent |
Colors | excellent |
Condition | excellent |
Genre | ehon; shasei kikō (sketch-tour); sosaku hanga (creative print) |
Miscellaneous | |
Format | |
H x W Paper | overall book dimensions: 10 3/8 x 7 5/16 x 5/8 in. (26.4 x 18.6 x 1.6 cm) |
H x W Image | |
Collections This Print | National Diet Library JP番号 20049180 |
Reference Literature | |