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Gorō in the role of Kyūzaemon


 Japanese Color Woodblock Print

Gorō in the role of Kyūzaemon

(in the play Go taiten no oyado)  

by Natori Shunsen, 1915

The Character Kamata Tetsuysa in The Gold Demon

IHL Cat. #857

About This Print

One of 30 prints (including 2 cover prints and 2 frontispieces) designed by Natori Shunsen that appeared in the magazine Shin Nigao, whose purpose was to advertise the Kabuki theater and renew interest in actor prints This print appeared in issue #5, the last issue of the magazine published in November 1915.  Pictured is the actor Soganoya Gorō, mainly associated with comedic roles, portraying Kyūzaemon in the performance of 御大典のお宿 Go taiten no oyado performed at the Shitomi-za in October 1915.

For more information on this short-lived magazine whose purpose was to advertise the Kabuki theater and renew interest in actor prints, see the article Shin Nigao Magazine.

The Actor in the Print - Soganoya Gorō (1877-1948)

Sources:website of Sakai City, Japan http://www.city.sakai.lg.jp/english/visitors/whats/notable/other.html and the Historical Dictionary of Osaka and Kyoto, Ian Martin Röpke, Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1999, p. 88.

Born in Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture, with the birth name of Wada Kyuichi, Soganoya Gorō is considered the father of modern Japanese comedy.  He wrote over 1,000 short comedies under the pen name Ikkai Gyojin and developed a new style of comedy, Gorogeki.  Before developing Gorogeki, he was an unsuccessful itinerant kabuki actor, but he went on to a successful acting career on the Tokyo and Osaka stage.

Other than a brief reference to a later performance of this play in 1928 at the Kabuki-za which Soganoya acted in, I can find no reference to, or synopsis of, Go taiten no oyado.

Natori Shunsen Catalogue Raisonné Entry

Catalogue Raisonné – Ukiyoe Kabuki Gi Han Ga: Shunsen Natori
(The Skill of Natori Shunsen in Kabuki Prints),
Kushigata Municipal Shunsen Museum
Kushigata, Japan; 1991, p.96, pl. 190.

Print Details

 IHL Catalog #857
 Title (Description)
 [Soganoya] Gorō in the role of Kyūzaemon [in the play Go taiten no oyado]
 五郎の久左衛門 Gorō no Kyūzaemon
 Series Magazine: Shin Nigao (New Portraits) volume five 新似顔 第一年五編
 Natori Shunsen (1886-1960)
 Not signed on print. 名取春仙 畫 Natori Shunsen ga printed on bottom of magazine page print was originally tipped to.
 Seal not sealed
 Date November 1915
 Edition First and only edition printed in magazine Shin Nigao
 Publisher  Nigaodō 似顔洞
 Carver and Printer Igami Bonkotsu (1875-1933)
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition excellent
entry in table of contents for Issue #5 of Shin Nigao
 新富座 Shintomi-za
十月狂言 October Kyōgen
御大典のお宿    go taiten no oyado
五郎 (久左衛門Gorō (Kyūzaemon)

 Genre shin hanga (new prints); nigao-e
 Format koban
 H x W Paper 7 3/8 x 4 5/8 in. (18.7 x 11.4 cm)
 Collections This Print The British Museum 1991,1112,0.193.5 (entire magazine, only front cover shown); Art Research Center Ritsumeikan University BM-SJ193-05  (British Museum's copy of entire magazine with all pages shown)
 Reference LiteratureCatalogue Raisonné – Ukiyoe Kabuki Gi Han Ga: Shunsen Natori (TheSkill of Natori Shunsen in Kabuki Prints), Kushigata Municipal ShunsenMuseum, Kushigata, Japan, 1991, p.96, number 190.
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