Great Wall of China, Badaling

Portrait of Shiga Naoya

Japanese Color Woodblock Print 

Great Wall of China, Badaling

by Sekino Jun'ichirō, 1959/1977

Portrait of a Boy (artist's son)

IHL Cat. #2528

About This Print

A monochrome printing, likely the original printing, of the Great Wall of China in Badaling, in the Yanquing District about 50 miles northwest of Beijing's city center, the most visited area of the wall. As shown below, Sekino created a multi-color version in 1977, likely using the same blocks, perhaps with some rework. Other than a 1979 visit to China, I have not been able to determine the years of any earlier trips he may have taken to this area, that would perhaps give insight into the date of this collection's print. 

This collection's print, which was sold in its original frame with the below label on the verso providing the title in Japanese 長城八達嶺, artist's name 関野準一郎 and the name of the Nihon bijutsuka renmei 日本美術家連盟 (Japanese Artists Association) which Sekino was both an officer, in its early years, and member of. As the label prefaces the name of the Japanese Artists Association with 社団法人, indicating the organization's incorporation which occurred in June 1959, this helps narrow the date of the print's creation.

This collection's undated print on the right with an almost certainly later printing on the left.

The Great Wall in the Badaling District - built c. 1500 during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1604) to protect the
Juyong Pass leading to Beijing, was the first section of the wall to open to tourists in 1957.
The Badaling great wall sits at over 3200 feet (1,000 meters) above sea level.

Print Details

 IHL Catalog #2528
 長城八达岭 (as titled on print) [長城八達嶺]
 Great Wall of China, Badaling
 Sekino Jun’ichirō (1914 - 1988)
Jun. Sekino 
 Jun seal 
 Publication Date 1959/1977
 Edition open edition
 Publisher self-published
 Carver self-carved
 Printed likely printed by one of the artist's studio printers
 Impression excellent
 Colors fair
 Condition fair -extensive paper toning and mottling in margins
 Genre sosaku hanga (creative prints)
 H x W Paper 16 1/2 x 23 in. (41.9 x 58.4 cm)
 H x W Image 12 3/4 x 18 in. (32.4 x 45.7 cm)
 Collections This Print 
 Reference Literature
latest revision:
7/10/2021 created