Old Elementary School Building in Komono

Japanese Color Woodblock Print 

Old Elementary School Building in Komono

by Tokuriki Tomikichirō, 1973

Bird on Bamboo Branch

IHL Cat. #1915

About This Print

In 1973, on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Komono Elementary School in the small city of Komono about 90 miles due east of Kyoto in Mie Prefecture, Tokuriki issued two prints to mark the occasion.  This collection's print depicts the old administrative building, built in 1934.  The second print, shown below depicts the site of the castle ruins located next to the school.

Today, this beautiful building is gone, as are the other early structures, replaced by unattractive and blocky white buildings.  

菰野城跡 / 菰野小学校旧校舎
Komono Castle Ruins / Old Elementary School Building in Komono

Komono Old and New Elementary School

Scenery around the time the main building / North school building was completed in 1934

A building elevator Photo

Print Details
 IHL Catalog #1915
 Old Elementary School Building in Komono
 Tokuriki Tomikichirō (1902-2000)
Tomi 冨 [upper left of image] and 富吉郎 Tomikichirō [lower right margin]
 Seal not sealed
 Date 1973
千五百版 edition of 1500 
 Publisher self-published
自画刻摺 self carved and printed
 Printer see Carver above
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition excellent
 Genre sosaku hanga (new print)
 Format oban
 H x W Paper 10 11/16 x 16 1/16 in. (27.1 x 40.8 cm)
 H x W Image
 9 1/4 x 14 3/8 in. (23.5 x 36.5 cm)
 Collections This Print 
 Reference Literature