About This Print
One of 261 prints from the series Nōgakuzue (Illustrations of Noh). The print depicts a scene from the noh play Oba ga sake.Source: website of Moirkami Museum and Japanese Gardens http://www.morikami.org/index.php?src=directory&view=exhibits&refno=4171&srctype=exhibits_detailThe story revolves around a nephew who disguises himself as an ogre in order to steal his stingy aunt's sake. As he drinks -the actor employs a fan to mimic the use of a sake cup- he moves the mask that is his disguise to one side while ordering his aunt not to look at him. After he falls into a drunken stupor, she discovers he is her nephew and angrily chases him off.
Special Exhibition
NOH Dance Drama of the Samurai NOV 17, 2012 – FEB 24, 2013
Print Details
IHL Catalog | #704 |
Title | Oba ga sake 伯母ヶ酒 (Kyōgen 狂言) (Auntie's Sake or The Old Woman's Wine) |
Series | Nōgakuzue 能樂圖繪(Illustrations of Noh) |
Artist | Tsukioka Kōgyo (1869-1927) |
Signature | ![]() |
Seal | See above. White and red letter seals in a pair: 耕・漁 [Kō・gyo] Kōgyo, seal no. 65, p. 172 in The Beauty of Silence: Nō and Nature Prints by Tsukioka Kōgyo (1869-1927), Robert Schaap & J. Thomas Rimer, Hotei Publishing, 2010. |
Date | Date is trimmed from this print. Ritsumeikan ARC gives the dates of printing and issuance of their print (arcUP0890), as follows: 明治三十三年一月十日 印刷仝年仝月十五日発行 Date of printing: January 10, 1900 (Meiji 33) Date of issuance: January 15, 1900 |
Edition | unknown |
Publisher | Matsuki Heikichi (Daikokuya Heikichi 大黒屋平) [Marks: pub. ref. 029] |
Carver | |
Impression | excellent |
Colors | excellent |
Condition | good - album backing; minor soiling, light toning |
Genre | ukiyo-e |
Miscellaneous | Portland Art Museum loan number L2012.113.3 |
Format | oban yoko-e |
H x W Paper | 9 1/2 x 14 1/8 in. (24.1 x 35.9 cm) |
H x W Image | 8 7/8 x 13 1/8 in. (22.5 x 33.3 cm) area within printed black border |
Collections This Print | Art Institute of Chicago 1939.2258.22; Art Research Center, Ritsumeiken University AcNo.arcUP0890 CoGNo.arcUP0840AlGNo.arcUP0840; University of Pittsburgh 20091209-kogyo-0210 |
Reference Literature |