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A Geiko in Niigata, Echigo Province, Loses Savings, No. 708 Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shinbun

Japanese Color Woodblock Print 

A Geiko in Niigata, Echigo Provice, Loses Savings, 

No. 708 Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shinbun

by Utagawa Yoshiiku, 1874

IHL Cat. #2062

About This Print

At the top of this "news nishiki-e" is a banner held aloft by two cherubs containing the name of the sponsoring newspaper, the Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shinbun 東京日々新聞.   A geiko has just found that the money she saved is not there.

For a summary of the brief life of nishiki-e shinbun (newspaper color woodblock prints) see the article Nishiki-e shinbun and Newspapers in Meiji Japan.

Story Translation (partial) by William Wetherall

Source: Nishiki-e Shinbun website of William Wetherall http://www.nishikie.com/stories/TNS-0708_geigi_loses_savings.html

Imagawaya Hina, a geigi [geiko] of Niigata in Echigo province, was neither beautiful like a Hina doll nor lustrous like peach or cherry blossoms, but was was skilled in playing shamisen, and attracted customers, and had managed to save one-thousand yen. She also had a lover, named Tsurugaya Kiemon, with whom she been for twenty years and had two daughters, the elder of which was also a geigi entertainer. Turugaya lost a lot of money in rice dealings and secretly took Hina's savings. When she discovered the empty drawer in her bureau she confronted Tsuruki, and threatened to publicly sue him, but he stopped her from doing so. She was ill for a while but recovered

Japanese Transcription of Text

Source: University of Tokyo website http://www.lib.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/collection/ono_sn/22.html#N053

ず容(かたち) 桃(もも)
あれハ其繁盛(ハんしよう) 殆(ほとん)ど三味線(せん)の弾(ひき)もきらず是(ここ)に於て
失策(ハつさく)より千有余(いくよ)円の損となり夫を償(つくな)はん為め窃(ひそか)にかの蓄財(ちくざい)を        持出したるを雛ハ夢にだにしらず久(ひさ)しく 
閻浮陀金(ゑんぶたきん)の開帳をなさすと箪笥(たんす)の引出しを明(あけ)たりしに光明(くわうめう)何(い        づ)れへ歟 光(ひか)りを放(はな)ちて影(かげ)だに止めす是(これ)必竟(ひつきやう)
敦喜の所為(しよゐ)ならんと是(これ)を公(おおやけ)に訴(うつた)へんとせしかど止(とどむ)る者ありて其事        に至(いた)らざれども 
遂(つい)にハ為(ため)に病(やま)ひとなり又幾許(いくばく)あらすして快気(くわいき)に至りしとなり "

Print Details

 IHL Catalog
 Title or Description A Geiko in Niigata, Echigo Province, Loses Savings (七百八号 No. 708)
 Newspaper Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shinbun 東京日々新聞
 Artist Utagawa Yoshiiku (1833-1904)
Keisai Yoshiiku (恵斎芳幾)
 Seal 芳幾 Yoshiiku (see above)
 Writer of Text
 Sansantei Arindo 山々亭有人 (1832-1902) [Jōno Saigiku 条野 採菊]
 Publication Date
December 1874 戌十二
Gusokuya Kahei 具足屋嘉兵衛, [Marks: pub. ref. 085; seal ref. 24-031]

seal reading:
top: 人形町 Ningyōchō
bottom: 具足屋 Gusokuya
Watanabe Horiei 渡辺彫栄
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition fair - large brown stain across 2/3 of banner at top, top margin trimmed, 1/2 cut in top margin
 Genre ukiyo-enishiki-e shinbun
 Format vertical oban
 H x W Paper
 14 3/16 x 9 9/16 in. (36 x 24.3 cm)
 H x W Image 13 5/16 x 9 3/16 in. (33.8 x 23.3)

 Collections This Print
 Waseda University Library 10 08059 0012; The University of Tokyo Digital Archives Ono Hideo Collection N024; National Diet Library 本別7-522
last revision:
4/8/2020 created