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Gathering Shellfish at Low Tide

Watanabe Nobukazu (c.1872-1944)

Japanese Color Woodblock Print

Gathering Shellfish at Low Tide

by Watanabe Nobukazu, c. 1890-1900

Beauties Gazing at a Waterfall

IHL Cat. #2089

About This Print

Gathering shellfish at low tide was a popular family pastime during the Edo and Meiji eras, as can be seen by its many representations in prints by artists such as Hiroshige and Hokusai and in this collection's prints Gathering Shellfish at Low Tide at Fukagawa Susaki and Shiohi, Women of the Bunka Era from the series Thirty-six Elegant Selections.  

In this print, we have the artist Watanabe Nobukazu, a disciple of Yōshū Chikanobu (1838-1912), depicting a well-heeled mother, daughter and son, accompanied by a young servant, gathering shellfish. Mt. Fuji rises in the background and the little boy is shown grasping for a flounder mired in the low tide.

Unfortunately, the top few inches of this long "pillar" print appear to have been cut off, when compared with the below impression of this print which was offered for sale in a 2018 auction for 1,500€.* It may well be that this collection's impression was a proof print, given the differences in color between the two prints and its missing red sky.

*[see https://ilab.org/sites/default/files/catalogs/files/3380_les_20estampes_20japonaises.pdf accessed 11/27/2020]

Print Details

 IHL Catalog
 Title or Description Gathering shellfish at low tide (untitled)
 Artist Watanabe Nobukazu (1872-1944)
ōsai Nobukazu hitsu 楊斎延一 筆
 Seal no artist seal
 Publication Date unknown
佐藤 Satō in two adjoining ovals 
Possibly a mark of the publisher Satō Shintarō 佐藤新太郎 (Marks:pub. ref. 455), a Chikanobu publisher. 

 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition poor - approx. 2 in. trimmed from top; soiling 
 Genre ukiyo-e
 Format vertical nagaban
 H x W Paper
 23 7/8 x 10 in. (60.6 x 25.4 cm)
 H x W Image 23 1/4 x 9 3/4 in. (59.1 x 24.8 cm) 

 Collections This Print

last revision:
11/27/20 created