Yuki Online Dictionary

Your dictionary search: topic people

'a-thelItalian (Engl)

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'i:ch nohneighbor(s)

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'i:-wo-'otold man

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'i-wot musp ta*lbachelor

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'otold woman

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ha*ch no'camp(1), campground to live all summer

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ha*-wa*y shu-'ul'grocer

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hu:y ya*-ka*l'chief(1)

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huch-nom'Huchnom, Redwood Indians

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hul-k'i:-lelwhite people

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k'a*n no-ma*llinguist

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k'a*n shu:leader, representative

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k'o-'elall Athapaskan-speaking groups, Wailaki, Kato, etc.

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k'umno'mLF, MW: Nomlaki; Fo: Stonyford, Salt Pomo, K: Wintun of Stony Creek

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ki moth ha*-wa*-ye-mul'cannibals

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kupkid, kids

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mil han ha-no-'ol'owner of a butcher shop

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musp t'a:pprostitute(2)

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nakonmiLF: Pomo; K: Pomo of Sherwood and Willits; MW: Pomoan tribes of Willits and Potter Valleys, includes Tompki creek

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naypgirl at puberty

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nom'people(2) (of)

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pan-yolSpanish, Mexican (Sp)

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pa-pel na*-wul'student

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sha*-'a*k-masome people

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shul-nom'friend(2), tribal

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sháwashAchomawi (Chinook Jargon for "indians" from French sauvage)

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su:-sa*l'friend(1), personal friend

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ta'no'mnames for places and tribes: a Yuki subdivision [slope people]

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ti-'ulchief(2) (Chinook Jargon)

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tēt-tum-numnames for places and tribes: Indians in Sanhedrin Mountain region (not tribal name)

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ukhotno'mnames for places and tribes: Coast Yuki

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ukomno'mnames for places and tribes: Round Valley Yuki

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witukomno'mnames for places and tribes: name of group in and around Eden Valley and people of a village near its head

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