Columbia REU, 2007.
In the summer of 2007, Columbia ran an internal "research experience for (Columbia) undergraduates." I had the pleasure of advising one of the two projects. I was assisted by Thomas Peters; without him, the projects would probably not have been a success. (The other project that summer was advised by Mirela Ciperiani and Kimball Martin.)
- Jonathan Hales, Dmytro Karabash and Michael Lock, "A Modification of the Sarkar-Wang Algorithm and an Analysis of its Computational Complexity." August 2007; revised January 2008. On the arXiv: arXiv:0711.4405.
- Yael Degany, Andrew Freimuth and Edward Trefts, "Some Computational Results about Grid Diagrams of Knots." August 2007; revised April 2008.
Columbia REU, 2009.
The REU has continued since 2007. In 2009, I was fortunate to co-advise one of the projects with Timothy Perutz, with help from Jonathan Bloom and Thomas Peters. The students worked hard on their paper long after the REU ended.
- Jin Woo Jang, Rachel Vishnepolsky and Xuran Wang, "Computing Fixed Point Floer Homology via the Hochschild Homology of a Sequence of Curves." November 2009. Rose Hulmann Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics Volume 11, Issue 2, 2010.
Edward Trefts's senior thesis.
A continuation of his work from the summer, giving a more in depth account of the Alexander polynomial and its relationship to the genus. He also gives the first publicly available, elementary proof that a new definition of the Alexander polynomial, via grid diagrams, agrees with the classical one.
- Edward Trefts, "Knot Floer Homology and the Genera of Torus Knots." Senior thesis, Columbia University, April 2008.
Emily Clader's senior thesis.
M. C. McCord showed in 1965 that any finite simplicial complex is modeled, up to weak homotopy equivalence, by a space with finitely many points. In her thesis, after explaining McCord's proof, Clader strengthens his result, showing that any finite simplicial complex is actually a deformation retract of an inverse limit of finite spaces.
- Emily Clader, "Homotopy Theory of Finite Topological Spaces." Senior thesis, Columbia University, April 2009.
- A condensed version of this paper is published as: Emily Clader, "Inverse limits of finite topological spaces." Homology, Homotopy and Applications, 11 (2009), no. 2, 223--227.
Atanas Atanasov's senior thesis.
W. Thurston proved that if K is a hyperbolic knot then the manifolds obtained by increasingly large surgeries on K converge (in the Gromov-Hausdorff sense) to the complement of K. In his thesis, after reviewing the substantail background material, Atanasov begins a program to understand how this kind of convergence interacts with a particular class of modern 3-manifold invariants, Heegaard Floer homology.
- Atanas Atanasov, "Knots in S3 and Bordered Heegaard Floer Homology." Senior thesis, Columbia University, April 2010.
Kyler Siegel's senior thesis.
Bordered Heegaard Floer homology gives an action of the strongly based mapping class group of an orientable surface on a derived category of modules. This action was described combinatorially in arXiv:1012.1032. In his thesis, Siegel gives a combinatorial proof that the action is well-defined.
- Kyler Siegel, "A Geometric Proof of a Faithful Linear-Categorical Surface Mapping Class Group Action." arXiv:1108.3676. August 2011.
Knot Theory Course, Spring 2011.
Instead of a final exam, students in my undergraduate knot theory class in the spring of 2011 wrote expository final papers on topics we hadn't covered. I was impressed with the results; here's a sample:
- Evan Biederstedt, "Slice Diagrams and Operator Invariants." May 2011.
Nathaniel Schieber's senior thesis.
A toral tangle is a tangle embedded in the solid torus. Krebes investigated whether a particular toral tangle can be completed to an unknot in the three-sphere (with the standard embedding of the solid torus). This was studied further by Abernathy and Abernathy-Gilmer. In his thesis, Schieber discusses discusses computing the Alexander polynomial of knots and the Jones polynomial of tangles, and applies these to obtain computational evidence that Krebes's tangle can not e completed to an unknot. (I heard about this question from Gilmer.)
- Nathaniel Schieber, "A Computational Approach to Tangles." June 2018.