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European History

The modules in this section on European history were developed by historians at the University of Oregon and the Universit�t M�nster. The editors: James Mohr and John Nicols, Department of History, Oregon and Professors Peter Funke and Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger of M�nster) . The authors include the editors as well as Amanda Drap and Andrea Pratt (University of Oregon) as well as Engelbert Winter, Malte Schmiedh�user, Michael Jung, and Nikola Moustakis (Universt�t M�nster).

The work on these modules was supported by a grant from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Bad Godesberg, Germany, and by a grant Norman Brown Family Fellowship Fund and various grants from the University of Oregon Educational Technology Fund and the College of Arts and Sciences.

New modules are added all the time and at a rate of three to five new ones per year.

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