-Vincenzo Consolo and His Mediterranean Paradigm
Part I: Odysseus’s Journey: War and Exile
-Conversation between Vincenzo Consolo and Mario Nicolao, translated by VALERIO FERME
-Olive and Wild Olive , translated by JOHN P. WELLE
-The Ruin of Syracuse, translated by DARAGH O’CONNELL
-Algiers: Tradition and New Cultures, translated by MARK PIETRALUNGA
-But is this Sarajevo or Assisi? translated by MARK PIETRALUNGA
-The International Parliament of Writers: Journey to Israel/Palestine, translated by NORMA BOUCHARD
-Report of Basilio Archita, translated by DARAGH O’CONNELL
-Men in the Sun, translated by MARK PIETRALUNGA
-Diary of Two Journeys to America, translated by JOSEPH FRANCESE
Part II: Sicilian Travels: Land, Cities, and Sea
-People and Land of Sulfur, translated by BEN LAWTON
-For a Bit of Grass on the Edge of the Feudal Estate, translated by BEN LAWTON
-Tuna Fishing , translated by MARK CHU
-Views from the Strait of Messina, translated by MARK CHU
-The Eruption of Mount Etna, translated by MARK CHU
-The Rebirth of the Val di Noto, translated by MARK CHU
Part III: Mediterranean Crossroads
-Sicily and Arab Culture, translated by FELICE BENEDUCE
-Ibn Jubayr, translated by FELICE BENEDUCE
-Palermo, most Beautiful and Defeated, translated by FELICE BENEDUCE
-The Bridge over the Channel of Sicily, translated by FELICE BENEDUCE
-Porta Venezia, ranslated by FELICE BENEDUCE
Part IV: Writing as Poetic Memory
-A Day Like Any Other, translated by FRANCESCA PARMEGGIANI
-For a Metric of Memory, translated by FRANCESCA PARMEGGIANI
-The Languages of the Forest, translated by DARAGH O’CONNELL
-The Disappearance of the Fireflies, translated by NORMA BOUCHARD
-The Smile, Twenty Years Later, translated by NORMA BOUCHARD
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