
Machine Learning in the Sciences: An Informal, Local (UO) Symposium

Update Sept. 13, 2018

More information on the schedule, talks, etc., is here.


A growing number of research groups in the sciences at UO are using machine learning as an analysis tool. We hope to foster connections between these groups, as well as those that may use machine learning in the near future, to help us all share methods, problems, and solutions. The goal of this local symposium is not to learn about machine learning and computer science per se, but rather to help create a local community of UO scientists applying these techniques.


  1. Short talks (No longer than 10 minutes including questions; shorter is fine!) (6 minutes + 2 minutes for quesions / transitions; see the update), at most one per research group, describing the group's research topics / analysis approaches, aimed at a general audience.
  2. Lots of time for conversation, with specific discussion topics being (i) what software / tools people are using, (ii) what challenges exist, and (iii) what training / resources / etc. would people like to see?
Based on feedback so far, we expect 10-15 talks. We'll have structured discussions, in which small groups explore specific topics and then report back; 20-30 minutes each.


The EMU Ballroom on Thursday, September 20th from 12:30 to 4:00 pm.

Will there be coffee?

Yes! (And tea and cookies.) Feel free to bring your lunch!

Organizers (Contact):


Free! Please register by Sept. 10, 2018, so we can predict coffee/cookie amounts: Sign up at: this link. If you've already filled out the earlier "informal survey" we've copied your information, but please ask others in your group to sign up.


Funding is provided by an "I3" Award to Raghu Parthasarathy and Yashar Ahmadian, and by the UO Materials Science Institute.