Chapter 2
Goal 1
And Its Six Components

The basic standard for citizen involvement in Oregon is Statewide Planning Goal 1, Citizen Involvement. The Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) adopted it on December 27, 1974, and it took effect on January 1, 1975.

Goal 1 calls for each city and county in Oregon to "develop a citizen involvement program that insures the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process." The goal cannot assure that every person who gets involved in planning will get what he or she wants: no policy can promise that. But Goal 1 does promise that every citizen will have an opportunity to participate in planning. Goal 1 can't guarantee the outcome of the game, but it does guarantee that everyone gets a chance to play.

Like all of Oregon's planning goals, Goal 1 is mandatory: its provisions have the force of law. The goal is accompanied by several "guidelines" that are optional. Local governments may follow them, but they are not required to.

Unlike many of Oregon's statewide planning goals, Goal 1 is not supplemented by administrative rules that explain or refine its policies. Provisions relating to citizen involvement, however, are found in several statutes and rules on other topics, such as periodic review and open public meetings. See Chapter 4 for information on them.

What is a "citizen involvement program"?

A citizen involvement program (CIP) is a system for enabling citizens to participate in the local planning process. The CIP may be a separate document, or it may be a chapter in the comprehensive plan. Either way, the CIP is, in a legal sense, part of the local comprehensive plan. Any changes to the CIP constitute a plan amendment, subject to the state and local regulations that govern such amendments.

Every city and county in Oregon has adopted a citizen involvement program. All of those programs were reviewed by the state's Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee (CIAC) and by LCDC as a part of "acknowledgement" -- the process for state review and approval of local plans in Oregon. That all took place in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Most cities and counties have not amended their CIPs since they were acknowledged.

In effect, the CIP is a chart that describes the course for citizen involvement in a particular city or county. It serves as a guide not only to local planners and elected officials but also to state agencies. Goal 1 says that state agencies shall "make use of existing local citizen involvement programs established by counties and cities."

What are the components of a CIP?

Goal 1 requires that a citizen involvement program contain six "components." The goal also describes certain steps that must be addressed in each of those components. In effect, Goal 1 is a blueprint that shows how to build a citizen involvement program.

That blueprint is outlined on the next page. Local governments may (and often do) build more elaborate programs than the blueprint calls for. But whether the local program is simple or elaborate, it should include all of the basic elements required by Goal 1.

Goal 1's Blueprint for a CIP

Component 1, Citizen Involvement -- Provide for widespread citizen involvement.

Component 2, Communication -- Assure effective two-way communications between local officials and citizens.

Component 3, Citizen Influence -- Provide the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process.

Component 4, Technical Information -- Assure that technical information is available in an understandable form.

Component 5, Feedback Mechanisms -- Assure that citizens get responses from policy makers.

Component 6, Financial Support -- Ensure adequate funding for the citizen involvement program.

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