Planning Analysis:
Class Project

Overview & Purpose

The Introduction to Planning Practice and Planning Analysis courses are intended to be complementary. The sequence of class topics and class assignments reflect our efforts to integrate the curriculum. We combined the final project for the classes to further integrate the material presented in both classes. Moreover, the final project integrates many of the assignments in both courses.

You will work both individually and in a team setting in completing the final project. The purpose of the project is for you to apply concepts covered in class and refine your writing and presentation skills. Although this project is hypothetical, the City of Springfield wants to redevelopment the sites and planners with the city will be interested to hear your ideas.


You can consider Rich Margerum and Bob Parker as your client group. We will assign a project advisor to each team that you can meet with to ask questions and get direction from throughout the project. We will make team announcements during the 2nd week of classes. We will also arrange a time for each group to meet with a Springfield planner and tour the site, so you can ask questions and clarify issues.

You should schedule a meeting with your team right away to discuss the project. During the first week your team should put together a work plan (that includes tasks, schedule, and data to be used) and draft final report outline that will guide your team activities over the remainder of the term.

After you complete your work plan, you should schedule a meeting with your project advisor to discuss work plan and research needs, and to ask questions. Your team will also have the opportunity to schedule 1-2 progress meetings with project advisor during course of term. You should prepare for these meetings: develop an agenda, a list of questions, and be prepared to discuss project progress. We will also schedule a meeting with a City of Springfield staff person in early November.

We have also arranged a team-building process. The purpose of this process is for your team to develop a set of operating principles, or team agreements. These agreements should ensure that all team members share the same expectations and meet their obligations to the team in completing the project. The team building session will take place during the Planning Analysis class. Therefore, each group should meet after October 11 to review (and amend) the team expectations and obligations with members who are not enrolled in Planning Analysis.

You should begin research and report writing as soon as possible. It will make the overall project easier to complete, and, more importantly, will lead to a better product. Your team will complete the final report and give a presentation on your findings to the client group and other interested parties in early December.  Reports are due on the date of your presentation.

Final Project Overview: Specific area development concept


The Southern Willamette Valley has an extremely high quality of life. The community leaders in the region are committed to preserving this quality of life for current residents and future generations. In addition, they want to protect the region's livability in the face of growth and to improve local and regional conditions. Springfield is typical of the region:

Ÿ  Like many communities in Oregon, Springfield was affected by the downturn in the timber industry, losing 1,500 jobs during the 1980s.

Ÿ  Over the past few years, Springfield has been aggressive at diversifying its economy, attracting many high tech and computer-related jobs—mostly in the Gateway area

Ÿ  More than 297,000 people live in the region. This population is expected to almost double in the next 50 years. The 2000 census population of Springfield is 52,800. The area continues to attract population, and over the next 20 years Springfield is projected to increase over 30%

Ÿ  Despite the new jobs and changes in the industry, the city still has high rates of unemployment, and many low paying, low skilled jobs

Ÿ  While the fringes of the city expand to accommodate this growth, there are many vacant, abandoned and underdeveloped sites in the city that offer redevelopment opportunities. This includes: (1) the downtown area that has struggled to remain a viable commercial and business center and (2) the Glenwood area that only recently became part of the city and has evolved through many ad hoc decisions.

 This project will focus on potential redevelopment sites in downtown Springfield and the Glenwood neighborhood. These sites should be considered from both a community and regional context. Moreover, each site has specific social, economic, and physical opportunities and constraints that need to be considered prior to development.

Purpose and Outputs

The purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual land use plan for one of two redevelopment sites in Springfield. For each output, we have identified the associated class to assist you in your group work. However, the final product must be an integrated proposal and presentation. Specifically, you will:

 To make the project more manageable, we have divided it into three phases. The first phase of the study will be to become familiar with Lane County and Springfield The second phase of the project will involve more extensive data collection about Springfield and the study site. This phase will result in a site inventory that identifies site opportunities and constraints. The third phase of the project is to develop a set of goals and objectives that will guide future development and a conceptual land use plan.

Phase 1: Community Background and Image

Objective:  Brief investigation of Lane County and Springfield using simple qualitative and quantitative data available through the Internet, U of O libraries, and community observations and contacts.

Phase 2: Site Analysis

Objective:  More in-depth analysis of Springfield and your study site. This should include an inventory of existing land uses on the site, the character of Springfield and uses surrounding the study site, site constraints and other relevant factors. Teams will schedule a conference to discuss the project work plan and ask questions about the project.

Phase 3 Conceptual Site plan

Objective:  Analysis of the data collected in the first two phases to develop goals and objectives as well as planning recommendations regarding the site. The conceptual site plan should provide a generalized overview of how the goals and objectives would be implemented in future land uses.


For more information...

Project resource page

General Data Sites:

Other data and information you might find useful:

Population forecasts for Lane County and its Incorporated Cities

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This page maintained by Bob Parker, ©2002
October 17, 2002