Planning Analysis:
Survey Research: Sampling & Design

Why conduct survey research?

To gather primary data that:

Survey Procedures

Consider mail when:

Draw a sample

Why sampling works:

Its the size of the sample, not the size of the population, that matters

What sampling frames are available?

For each sampling frame:

Sampling pitfalls

Two types of samples

Types of Sample Schemes:

Sampling frame - the list you draw your sample from (who is missed?)

Potential error:

Sampling error and confidence level work together

Other sources of error:

Researcher should make every effort to minimize before survey implementation

                Who are non-responders?

                Difficult to measure - can be corrected for after implementation

Survey Development

Develop an initial questionnaire

        Types of questions

What about  “don’t know?” - should you have one?

Composing Questions

     Basic Attributes of Questions

Use of unstated criteria

Wrong: How important is it for stores to carry a large variety of different brands of this product?

Right:   How important is it to you that the store you shop at carries a large variety of different brands of this product?

Inapplicable questions

Wrong: How long does it take you to find a parking place after you arrive at the plant?

Right:   If you drive to work, how long does it take you to find a parking place after you arrive at the plant?

Examples in questions

Wrong: What small appliances, such as countertop appliances, have you purchased in the past month?

Right:   Aside from major appliances, what other small appliances have you bought in the past month?

Overdemanding recall

Wrong: How many times did you go out on a date with your spouse before you were married?

Right:   How many months were you dating your spouse before you were married?


Wrong: When you buy fast food, what percentage of the time do you order each of the following types of food?

Right:   Of the last 10 times you bought fast food, how many times did you order each of the following types of food?


Wrong: When you visit museums, how many times do you read the plaques that explain what the exhibit contains?

Right:   When you visit museums, how many times do you read the plaques that explain what the exhibit contains?  Would you say always, often, sometimes, rarely, or never?


Wrong: Would you favor increasing taxes to cope with the current fiscal crisis?

Right:   Would you favor increasing taxes to cope with the current fiscal situation?

Two Questions in One

Wrong: Do you take vitamins to avoid getting sick?

Right:   Do you take vitamins?  Why or why not?

Leading Questions

Wrong: Don’t you see some danger in implementing community policing?

Right:   Do you see any danger in implementing community policing?

Loaded Questions

Wrong: Should we reduce the speed limit to save lives?

Right:   Should we lower the speed limit?  Why or why not?

Checklist to avoid potential problems

Question organization and format

Pre-test survey

    Conducted at two levels:


Can resolve issues such as:

Survey Development

Cover letter

Survey Implementation

Increasing response rates

Survey Analysis

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September 30, 2002