Mir Landsmenschaft in Israel 2003

of Mir Landsmen and their descendents
(kneeling in
front) Tzvi ben Moshe 2nd generation
(L-R standing) Shaya Simonovitz
(escaped from ghetto), female 3G, female 2G., Reisin 2G, Israel
Shifron (escaped from ghetto),
Aharon Koch (escaped from ghetto),
Sofia Gershovitz (survivor), Lea Garber 2G, Shirley Roth 2
or 3G,
Shaye Galver (Mirer, was in
Russia), Haim Zernitzki 2G, Etele Kaplan/Kriegel (Mirer, was
in Russia),
Tabori/Reznick 2G (daugther of Simcha Resnick the
former charman of Mir society), 2-3G, wife of Shaya Galver,
Porter (a curator for our museum)
Back row: Benjamin Gurevitz (escaped from ghetto), Dvora
Shifron (wife of Israel Shifron),
Tzvi Reshef 2G'''a son
of Bruria Kaplanm wife of Tzvi ben Moshe, daugther of Tzvi
ben Moshe,
Eli Razin 2G, Itzchak Razin (Mirer) , Moshe
Pozniak (escaped from the ghetto), sister of Tzvi ben Moshe

for the victims of Mir, in the Nachalat-Itzchak cemetery, near Tel-Aviv.