Stolovitsky Family from Mir |
Alan Stall's father, Yoel Stolovitsky came from Mir. He was a student at the Mir Yeshiva and became a rabbi. (See photo of Mir Yeshiva class 1929)
When he left for Canada, he was sponsored by his uncle Harry Cooper (Kupperman), his mother's brother, who had immigrated some years earlier and lived in the town of Oyen in Alberta, Canada.
Yoel became the rabbi of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and then of London, Ontario, Canada. He changed his name to Joel Stall. Below are photos of Yoel/Joel, his parents, grandparents, siblings and cousins from Mir plus a treasure trove of documents. |

Kuperman and Stolovitsky Family in Mir (probably 1929)
(From left to right)
Moishe Stolovitsky, Mother of Sarah Kuperman Stolovitsky, Sarah Kuperman Stolovitsky, young boy who is the son of Pinchas Resnick and Shifra Stolovitsky Resnick, Yoel Stolovitsky, Shifra Stolovitsky Resnick |

Sarah and Jehuda Leib Stolovitsky about 1910, parents of Yale Stolovitsky
Jehuda Leib died in WWI. He was ordered to go to war and never returned.
Sarah ran a dry goods store in Mir. She was killed in the Shoah. |

Stolovitsky and Kupperman Family about 1915 in Mir
(From left to right)
Yoel Stolovitsky, Unknown Kuperman (Yoel's grandfather on his mother's side), Sarah Kuperman Stolovitsky (Yoel's mother), Yoel's grandmother on his mother's side, Yoel's sister Shifra Stolovitsky
(Click to see back of photo)

Sonja/Sarah Stolovitsky 1931

Moishe-Yosef Stolovitsky |
The Stolovitsky family lived in Mir for 200 years. Wolf Stolovitsky came to Mir via Slonim. Some of the descendants are listed below.
Stolovitsky Family Tree
Mordkha Stolovitsky |
Jehuda Leib Stolovitsky (?-abt. 1917) & Sarah Kuperman (b. abt.1885) |
Yoel Stolovitsky/Joel Stall (1911-1963) & Evelyn Schwartz (married Feb 6, 1938 in Canada) |
Lionel (Leibel) |
Morley (Moishe) |
Alan (Avraham) |
Shifra Stolovitsky (b. 1905) & Pinchas Resnick (b. 1904) |
son (name unknown) |
Leiba |
Moshe Stolovitsky (b. 1916) & Betzia Harkavy, (b. 1919) daughter of David and Chitza Harkavy |
Moishe Stolovitsky, his wife Betzia Harkavy Stolovitsky and their child, as well as Sarah Kuperman Stolovitsky, Shifra Stolovitsky Resnick and her husband Pinchas Resnick were killed in the Shoah.
Yoel Stolovitsky's release from being required to serve in the Polish Army

(click for larger image)
Translation of document above, thank to Alan Stall
Yoel Stolovitzky (Stolowicki as written in Polish), born in Mir on March 22, 1911, living in Mir Stolpecki, Son of Leibel and Sarah, may acquire Canadian citizenship without obstruction of the statutes of the Polish State. Joel Stolovitsky was granted an exception from the military service as required by the last paragraph Article 11 of 20/1/1920. Journal of laws RP No. 77 item 44, and Section 4 of the Act 23/1924 (Journal of laws RP No. 61, item 609). Followed by decision date.
In the event that Yoel Stolovitzky is not able to get foreign citizenship within two years, this exemption ceases to be valid.
Upon acquiring Canadian citizenship, the person named above will no longer be considered to be a citizen of the Polish state.
Upon the acquisition of this citizenship, the authority issuing this certificate should be notified. This certificate is recorded in the proper register L.b
Signed Seat of Power Stolpecki. by A Kulwiec
Polish Passport of Yoel Stolovitzky
Inspection Document

Canadian Naturalization certificate for Joel Stall
March 13, 1935
 Canadian Naturalization certificate for Joel Stall
reverse side |