Observation and Evaluation of GTFs

Purpose of Observation and Evaluation

Classroom observation and overall evaluation of the progress of your pre-professional training furnish an opportunity for feedback, exchange of ideas, and professional growth. These procedures are meant to be positive, non-threatening experiences. Note, too, that you will be observed and evaluated by your peers and superiors throughout your teaching career--for hiring, renewal and tenure. The classroom visit also provides your supervisors with specific information that will be useful for future letters of recommendation.

In addition to classroom obervations, GTFs will be evaluated each term by using the criteria on the GTF/Instructor Progress form. A copy will be given to the GTF and the original will be retained by the supervisor or program director; this form may become a part of your official file.

The observations and progress reports are intended to provide you with opportunities for self-assessment and improvement. Although the observation report will not become a part of the GTF's official file, it will be used when evaluating GTFs for renewal, summer teaching and assignments at a higher level. It may also be used as a basis for letters of recommendation. GTFs are urged to retain copies of their observation reports and progress reports in case the supervisor leaves the University.

Frequency of Observation

New GTFs will normally be observed twice during the fall term and once during the winter and spring terms, more frequently if deemed necessary by the GTF or the supervisor. Experienced GTFs who are teaching a new course will be observed once a term, more frequently if deemed necessary by the GTF or the supervisor. Experienced GTFs who are teaching the same course a second time will be observed once in the fall term, unless additional observations are deemed necessary by the GTF or the supervisor.

Observation Procedures

1. GTFs will be notified at least 48 hours in advance of their first observation in a given term. As a courtesy, supervisors may notify GTFs in advance of their second observation, although such notification is not required. This notice usually comes in the form of a memo in the GTF's mailbox. Prompt response is required to ensure scheduling of all GTFs.

2. GTFs should provide the observer with a lesson plan before the class begins.

3. The GTF and observer should schedule a consultation after the observation takes place. In that meeting, the comments on the observation form will be reviewed, and both the GTF and the supervisor will sign and date the form.