Office Policies

Romance Languages is a large department with only three full- time office employees:

The office staff has established the following policies to create a more efficient workplace for all.

Office Hours
During the regular academic year, the office is open from 8:00 am to noon and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

GTFs will receive important information through memos delivered to their mailboxes. Read them carefully and when necessary pass along the required information to fellow students. GTFs are often the only contact between the office and students, and the office staff appreciates the role that GTFs play in disseminating information.

All new GTFs are given a grade book that should last for the entire duration of teaching at the U of O. New grade books can be purchased at the bookstore.

Office supplies are available for teaching duties and not for personal needs. Sandra or Carla can help GTFs in obtaining supplies from the office stores.

Departmental stationery is available for official letters, submission of papers, or job applications. The department does not pay for postage.

Call media services at 346-3091 if you have a problem with your overhead projector. The office needs to be advised of any safety hazards in your office or classroom, so that a work order can be processed with Facilities Services. Call Public Safety Dispatch at 346-2919 if your classroom is locked during class time.

If you are assigned to a classroom that does not have a blackboard or is very noisy, contact Sandra about the possibility of changing classrooms.


The workroom in Room 12 (Friendly Hall basement) is for the use of GTFs and instructors. It is important that everyone keep the area clean, remembering to pick up paper scraps and turn off machines if appropriate.

Copy Machines

Each GTF will have an account code for the copy machines in Rooms 101 or 12 Friendly Hall. These machines are to be used only for materials for RL language classes or for your research. GTFs are permitted to make 250 copies per term. Once this quantity is reached, the copy machine will reject the account number and no more copies will be printed. If a GTF finds that the number of copies allowed is not sufficient, see the language program supervisor.

If the copier is not working properly, do not try to fix it yourself. The office staff (Carla or Sandra) is responsible for the maintenance of these machines.


Most GTFs have a computer at their desk that is capable of basic email and web browsing. The RL Computer Lab in 213 Friendly Hall is available during certain hours for the following tasks (priority in the order shown):

This lab has four Macinstosh computers and two PCs. The software available on each varies; contact Robert Davis or Linda Leon for any special technology needs you may have.

GTFs with children should rest assured that the office staff will contact them in the case of family emergencies. Important messages can be left at the main office number, 346-4021.

If you need to send a fax related to your research or teaching, contact Carla in the main RL office.

A lunchroom/lounge with a refrigerator and a microwave is available in the basement of Friendly. We count on community effort to maintain this area. If you take advantage of its facilities, please help to keep it clean.