Reflection of Graduate Student Robert
October 19,

Robert Stevens (right), a graduate
student in the "Applied GIS and Social Planning" class at the
University of Oregon collects data with Drix, his neighborhood
partner and Chair of the West University Neighborhood Association.
Photo by Marc Schlossberg
"In the West
University Neighborhood there are more than just college students that
call this area home; there are longtime residents that are extremely
passionate about the area. The passion of the neighbors really showed
through when our team was collecting data. My partner was very passionate
about the appearance of the neighborhood and would pick-up much of the
loose debris. I also could tell he wanted this area to have more of a
friendly, community feeling by how he started up a conversation with
anyone that we passed. I cannot recall in any other neighborhood having
people talk to each other that much on the sidewalks or pick-up litter.
In other neighborhoods people would simply be in their own world and do
their own thing.
"I learned
through the stories I was told that the neighbors have a plan of action
for how to bring about positive, social change and make the West
University Neighborhood a great place to live again. Compared with other
neighborhood associations, the West University seems to be the most
organized and committed. The residents have lobbied Sanipac to try to
improve the collection of garbage, a major problem in the area with all
the overflowing dumpsters, and routinely testify to the city, whether it
is to get the West University Neighborhood Park opened again or to work
towards improved housing standards. I also learned what the residents
really needed to make their efforts successful was solid evidence not
simply verbal descriptions.
"The West
University Neighborhood Mapping Project will be the solid evidence that
the residents need to lobby for changes in their neighborhood. Residents
will finally be able to identify graphically where the problems in the
neighborhood are, whether it is areas that are a safety risk due to no
lighting or areas with overflowing dumpsters. If there are only certain
areas that are the real problem, the neighbors can concentrate their
resources on the areas that really need their attention. Most
importantly, I was empowered to learn how much the neighbors valued our
class for helping to improve their neighborhood. After Saturday, I have
desired to find more ways to put my expertise to work in other communities
to continue helping to change the world. Before Saturday, I would never
have thought that I wanted to help as many communities as possible;
because, my perception was that much of the time the community really does
not want your expertise, particularly if you are a university student.
"The West
University Mapping Project allowed me the opportunity to see that there is
a real effort, with a lot of enthusiasm behind it, to create positive
changes in the neighborhood. I was privileged to have been a part of the
effort. Most importantly, I want to help more communities become more
empowered." |