The WUN MAP Project (pronounced: "One Map") is a collaborative
effort between residents of Eugene's West University Neighborhood and
the Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management (PPPM) at the
University of Oregon. The main goals of the project are to use
community-based mapping to: 1) improve the quality of life in the
neighborhood; and 2) provide a real world setting for
students to learn and apply new GIS mapping skills. The centerpiece of the project was to collect neighborhood data,
based on what the neighborhood wanted, utilizing ArcPad mobile GIS
technology. Choose one of the following to learn more about specific
elements of this effort::
This project follows an action
research, service-learning, and collaborative approach to community
development and learning GIS. That is:
- The planning and carrying out of
community mapping activities is a joint process
- Residents largely control the agenda
on what is to be mapped and become more equal partners in other
aspects of the project
- Students largely carry out the more
advanced technical aspects of the mapping, but balance their
interpretations and assumptions with community input
- Students apply new skills beyond the
classroom in a way that brings benefit to the world
- Residents and students jointly
interpret the resulting data, each applying their own expertise
and filters
We believe this approach has benefits
beyond the actual data collection, mapping, and interpretation.
We believe that bringing students and residents together builds
relationships among the individuals involved and trust between
their larger organizations. Students learn about the
complexities of neighborhood decision making and are challenged to
confront preconceived notions of the residents. Likewise,
neighborhood residents also confront stereotypes and biases toward
the University and its students. In the end, we are hoping
that not only is the quality of life in the neighborhood improved
and students gain valuable new skills, but that trust,
understanding, and relationships will be built that will transcend
the specific work of this project. Related project components: