


Mobile GIS









I WILL be teaching the three week Study Abroad course on Bicycle Transportation in summer 2015 in Denmark and the Netherlands. If interested, email me and I'll keep you informed.

2011 Students



Field of Study
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Urban Planning
San Jose State University MUP 1995 Urban Planning
University of Texas - Austin BBA 1991 Marketing

Positions & Titles

Professor, Planning, Public Policy and Management, University of Oregon
September 2001 – Present

Co-Founder and Co- Director,  Sustainable Cities Initative, University of Oregon
September 2008 - Present

Executive Committee Member, National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC)
May 2012-Present

Associate Director, Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium (OTREC)
December 2006 - 2012

Research & Teaching

Current Research:
Sustainable transportation, measuring the relationship between urban form and active transportation; developing livability indicators for transit; assessing Complete Streets using fine scale and participatory (PPGIS); understanding how children get to school and why; community empowerment with mobile GIS technology

Classes taught:
Sustainable Transportation, Bicycle Transportation Planning, Introduction to City Planning, Applied GIS and Social Planning,City Growth/City Design, Mobile GIS, Understanding the Social Community, Planning Studio, Planning for Social Change, Community Leadership and Change, Introduction to Public Service, Planning for the Transportation Disadvantaged, Regional Social Planning Models, Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector

Other Recognitions & Affiliations


Outstanding Teacher of the Year
Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management, University of Oregon


Faculty Sustainability Award, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)
(Top Prize) with Nico Larco for leadership of Sustainable Cities Initiative


Urban Ingenuity Award, Financial Times and CITI (one of eighteen finalists worldwide)


Exemplary Project Award, W.K. Kellogg Foundation and Association for Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU)
Sustainable City Year Program (SCYP)


Prize for Creative Integration of Practice & Education in the Academy
National Council of Architectural Registration Board (NCARB) for one of SCI’s projects


Bridge Builder Award, Partners for Livable Communities, Washington, DC
with Nico Larco and Robert Young for founding and leadership of Sustainable Cities Initiative


Special Achievement in Planning Award, Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association
‘Sustainable Cities Initiative’ project led by Nico Larco and Robert Young


Globe Sustainability Research Award – Nominee – (one of five nominees worldwide, only US finalist)
‘Sustainable Cities Initiative’ – with Nico Larco and Robert Young


Distinguished Fulbright Scholar (United Kingdom, University of Sheffield)


Schlossberg, Marc, John Rowell, Dave Amos, and Kelly Sanford. (2014). “Rethinking Streets: An Evidence-Based Guide to 25 Complete Street Transformations”. (John Rowell is an equal co-author).  Grant funded; 1,000 copies distributed nationwide; over 4,000 downloaded.  Available at: http://rethinkingstreets.com/.

Double Blind Peer Reviewed

Schlossberg, Marc, Deb Johnson-Shelton, Geraldine Moreno, and Cody Evers (in press). “Refining the Grain: Using Resident-Based Walkability Audits to Capture What Conventional GIS Data Misses. “ Journal of Urbanism.

Evers, Cody, Shawn Boles, Deb Johnson-Shelton, Marc Schlossberg, David Richey, and Jason Blair. (2014). “Parent Safety Perceptions of Child Walking Routes”. Journal of Transport & Health.  Volume 1 (2): 108–115. [PDF]

Barnes, Emma and Marc Schlossberg (2013). “Adding Cyclists And Pedestrians While Maintaining Vehicle Throughput: A Pre- And Post-construction Complete Street Analysis”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. No. 2393; p. 85-94. [PDF]

Schlossberg, Marc and Nico Larco (2013). “The Sustainable City Year Program: A New, Radically Simple Model for Publicly Engaged Scholarship”.  Public: A Journal of Imagining America. Volume 1 (1 & 2). http://public.imaginingamerica.org/blog/article/the-sustainable-city-year-program/

Mild, Cortney and Marc Schlossberg (2013). “Taking US Transportation Professionals to European Cycling Cities: Does it Matter?”. World Transport Policy & Practice. Volume 19 (1): 14-27. [PDF]

Schlossberg, Marc, Cody Evers, Christo Brehm, and Ken Kato (2012). “Active Transportation, Citizen Engagement and Livability: Coupling Citizens and Smartphones to Make the Change”. URISA Journal. Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 61-70. [PDF]

Yizhao Yang, Steve Abbott, Marc Schlossberg (2012). “The influence of school choice policy on active school commuting: a case study of a middle-sized school district in Oregon”.  Environment and Planning A, volume 44, pp. 1856 – 1874. [PDF]

Schlossberg, Marc and Christo Brehm (2009).  “Participatory GIS And Active Transportation: Collecting Data and Creating Change”.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. No. 2105. pp. 83-91. [PDF]

Weinstein, Asha, Marc Schlossberg, and Katja Irvin (2008). How Far, by Which Route, and Why?  A Spatial Analysis of Pedestrian Preference. Journal of Urban Design. Vol. 13. No. 1, 81–98. [PDF]

Schlossberg, Marc, Asha Weinstein and Katja Irvin (2007). An Assessment of GIS-Enabled Walkability Audits URISA Journal. Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 5-11 [PDF]

Schlossberg, Marc and Darren Wyss. (2007),Teaching by Doing: PPGIS and Classroom-Based Service Learning” – URISA Journal. Volume 19, Number 1. [PDF]

Schlossberg, Marc (2007). “From TIGER to Audit Instruments: Using GIS-Based Street Data to Measure Neighborhood Walkability”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. No. 1982. pp. 48-56. [PDF]

Schlossberg, Marc , Jessica Greene, Page Paulsen Phillips, Bethany Johnson, and Robert Parker (2006). School Trips: Effects of Urban Form and Distance on Travel Mode.  Journal of the American Planning Association. Vol 72, No 3, pp. 337-346. [PDF]

Stockard, J., Kelly-Schwartz, Schlossberg, M. and Doyle, S. (2005) “Active Community Environments and Health:  The Relationship of Walkable and Safe Communities to Individual’s Health”. Journal of the American Planning Association. Vol 72, No. 1, pp. 19-31.

Schlossberg, Marc , Page Paulsen Phillips, Bethany Johnson, and Robert Parker. (2005). How Do You They Get There?  A Spatial Analysis of a ‘Sprawl School’ In Oregon. Planning Practice & Research Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 147 – 162. [PDF]

Schlossberg, Marc A and Elliot Shuford. (2005) Delineating ‘Public’ and ‘Participation’ in PPGIS. URISA Journal .  16(2), 15-26. [PDF]

Schlossberg, Marc A. (2004). Coordination as a Strategy for Serving the Transportation Disadvantaged: A Comparative Framework of Local and State Roles. Public Works, Management & Policy, 9(2), 132-144. [PDF]

Schlossberg, Marc A and Nathaniel Brown. (2004). “Comparing Transit Oriented Developments Based on Walkability Indicators”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1887, pp. 34-42. [PDF]

Kelly-Schwartz, A. C., Stockard, J., Doyle, S., & Schlossberg, M. (2004). Is Sprawl Unhealthy?: A Multilevel Analysis of the Relationship of Metropolitan Sprawl to the Health of Individuals. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 24(2), 184-196. [PDF]

Schlossberg, Marc A (2004). “GIS, the US Census, and Neighbourhood Scale Analysis” Planning Practice & Research; 18 (2-3), 213-218. [PDF]

Schlossberg, Marc A and Adam Zimmerman (2003)  “Developing Statewide Indices of Environmental, Economic, and Social Sustainability: A Look at Oregon and the Oregon Benchmarks”. Local Environment, 8 (6) 641-660. [PDF]

Schlossberg, Marc A. (2003). “Developing Coordination Policies for Paratransit and the Transportation Disadvantaged”. Transportation Research Record 1841, Paper No. 03-2139, 73-80. [PDF]

Peer Reviewed

Yang, Y. Johnson, B., Fukahori, S. Parker, B., & Schlossberg, M., (2011). “Where to Live and How to Get to School: Connecting Residential Location Choice and School Travel Mode Choice” in Miles, E & Gibson, M. ed. School Siting and Healthy Communities: Why Where We Invest in School Facilities Matters. Michigan State University Press.

Schlossberg, Marc A. (2007) Review of Making Maps: A Visual Guide to Map Design for GIS by John Krygier and Denis Wood ( Guilford Press, New York , NY , 2005) In Journal of the American Planning Association. Vol. 73, No. 1, pp. 118-119.

Schlossberg, Marc A. Review of Running on Empty: Transport, Social Exclusion and Environmental Justice by Karen Lucas. (Bristol, UK: Policy Press, 2004) for the Journal of Urban Affairs (in press 2006).

Schlossberg, Marc A., Earl Bossard, Nathaniel Brown, and David Roemer. (2004).  “A Pre- and Post-Construction Analysis of Transit-Oriented Developments Using Spatial Indicators: A Case Study of Portland and Silicon Valley.”  Final Report: 03-03.  Mineta Transportation Institut.  San Jose, CA.

Schlossberg, Marc. (2004) “Visualizing Accessibility II: Access to Food”.  Solstice:  An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics Volume XIII, Number 2. Summer.

Schlossberg, Marc (2003). “Streets and Smart Growth”. Oregon Planners’ Journal.  November/December, 2-3, 15.

“Expanding Frameworks and Finding Focus”, a thought piece commissioned by the Society, Behaviour, and Private/Public Transport division of the STELLA Thematic Network.  Published with: Irene Casas, Kelly Clifton, and Marek Litwin

Schlossberg, Marc. “Visualizing Accessibility with GIS”.  Solstice:  An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics Volume XIII, Number 2. Winter, 2002.

Schlossberg, Marc. “Coordinating Community-Based Paratransit in an era of Devolution: A Role for the State?”.  Dissertation.  University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 2001.

Schlossberg, Marc. (1998) Review of GIS: A Visual Approach, by Bruce E. Davis, In Journal of the American Planning Association, 64 (Summer): 379. 

Schlossberg, Marc. (1998). "Kerekere, Hierarchy, and Planning in Fiji: Why Cultural Understanding Should Be A Prerequisite to International Planning".  In City, Space and Globalization: An International Perspective, Edited by Hemalata Dandekar. University of Michigan:  Ann Arbor.

Schlossberg, Marc. "Planning in Paradise -- Fiji; Cultural Barriers to Planning". Interplan (on-line international journal of the American Planning Association).  January 1999.

Prior Employment

U.S. Peace Corps
Overseas volunteer organization
Suva, Fiji
Management and Planning Advisor
10/95 to 7/97

Bonita House, Inc.
Community based organization providing housing and services to homeless people who are mentally ill and have a chemical addiction
Berkeley, California
Information Officer & Administrative Aassociate
7/92 to 9/95

Mountains Education Program
Community based organization providing environmental education and environmental apprenticeships to inner-city youth
Los Angeles, California
Director of Development
7/91 to 6/92