


Mobile GIS









I WILL be teaching the three week Study Abroad course on Bicycle Transportation in summer 2015 in Denmark and the Netherlands. If interested, email me and I'll keep you informed.

2011 Students


Sustainable Transportation Class Projects

The following are a selection of student term projects from my Sustainable Transportation class in the Fall, 2013 term. Each student has given permission for their work to be shared in the hopes that their ideas can help lead to better practice. Their oral presentations were all excellent and in many ways more compelling than the written work below. I am sure they would be happy to deliver a presentation on their work if interested. Please contact me if that is the case.

13th Avenue Redesign by Danielle Martin

This project focused on re-imagining 13th avenue on campus. 13th has not been a through-street since the early 1970s, yet it still looks and feels like a typical street. Could this public space be used differently?

Read the paper here.

Willamazon Bikeway by Alex Page

This project focused on creating a key urban connector to two off-street multi-use paths in Eugene., Called the Wilamazon, this path would connect the Amazon path to the Willamette River.

Read the paper here.

Apartment Bike Parking by Melodi Yanik

This project focused on the poor state of residential bike parking at many of the student-oriented apartments near the University of Oregon campus.

Read the paper here.

Timing the Lights by Paul Belton

This project focused on opportunities to time High and Pearl streets in Eugene to work better for people on bikes. The concept of the "green wave" times lights to be at the pace of people on bikes to make travellign on those corridors efficient. Signal timing can be done to meet bike and car users.

Watch the video.

Transit Stop Design by Natalie Sandberg

This project focused on inconsistent and generally unwelcoming transit stop design at all stops serving the greater University of Oregon campus area

Read the paper here.