Sugiyama Lab and Field Crew


Felicia Madimenos (UO Anthropology) Field Project Coordinator
Tara Cepon (UO Anthropology)
Melissa Liebert (UO Anthropology)
Julian Lim (UCSB Anthropology)
Julia Ridgeway-Diaz (UO Environmental Studies)
Terry Rueckert (UO Anthropology)

Estela Jempekat (Universidad Technica, Macas, Ecuador)
Marilu Utitiaj


Aaron Blackwell (see below)
Ruby Fried (NIH)
Tiffany Gandolfo
(Florida State)
George Pryor (Ohio State)
Paul Roach
(Century College)
Shayna Rohwer (Juneau Health and Family Birth Center)
Eric Schniter (Chapman University)

Research Collaborators

Aaron Blackwell (UCSB)
Leda Cosmides (UCSB)

Andrew Delton (UCSB)
Steve Frost (UO)
Steven Josephson (U. Utah)
Max Krasnow (UCSB)
Oswaldo Mankash (exoficio, Dirigente de Salud, FICSH)

Thom McDade (Northwestern)

Ian Penton-Voak (U. Bristol)
Michelle Scalise Sugiyama  (UO)
Aaron Sell (UCSB)
Heather Shattuck-Faegre (Harvard)

Daniel Sznycer (UCSB)
Josh Snodgrass (UO)
Washington Tiwi (Federacion Shuar de Zamora)
John Tooby (UCSB)
Frances White (UO)

Federación Interprovincial de Centros Shuar – FICSH
Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social, Tesoro Ecuador
Ministerio de Salud, Morona Santiago Area 6, Ecuador