Breard ECP, Dufek J, Charbonnier S, Gueugneau V, Giachetti T, Walsh B. (2022). The fragmentation-induced fluidisation of pyroclastic density currents. Nat. Comm.
In press:
Trafton K, Giachetti T (2022). The pivotal role of Vulcanian activity in ending the explosive phase of rhyolitic eruptions: the case of the Big Obsidian Flow eruption (Newberry Volcano, USA). Bull. Volc. 84-104.
Wiejaczka J, Giachetti T, (2022). Using Eruption Source Parameters and High-Resolution Grain-Size Distributions of the 7.7 ka Cleetwood Eruption of Mount Mazama (Oregon, United States) to Reveal Primary and Secondary Eruptive Processes. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2022:460.
Hudak MR, Bindeman IN, Loewen MW, Giachetti T (2021). Syn‐Eruptive Hydration of Volcanic Ash Records Pyroclast‐Water Interaction in Explosive Eruptions. Geophysical Research Letters. 2021 Dec 16;48(23):e2021GL094141.
Giachetti T, Trafton KR, Wiejaczka J, Gardner JE, Watkins JM, Shea T, Wright, H.M., (2021). The products of primary magma fragmentation finally revealed by pumice agglomerates. Geology, 49(11), pp.1307-1311.
Trafton K, Giachetti T (2021). The morphology and texture of Plinian pyroclasts reflect their lateral sourcing in the conduit. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.
Giachetti T, Hudak MR, Shea T, Bindeman I, Hoxsie EC (2020). D/H ratios and H2O contents record degassing and rehydration history of rhyolitic magma and pyroclasts. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.
Mitchell S, Houghton BF, Carey RJ, Manga M, Fauria KE, Jones MR, Soule AS, Conway CE, Wei Z, Giachetti T. (2019) Submarine giant pumice: A window into the shallow conduit dynamics of a recent silicic eruption. Bull. Volc. 81: 7.
Giachetti T, Gonnermann HM, Gardner JE, Burgisser A, Hajimirza S, Earley TC, Truong N, Toledo, P (2019). Bubble coalescence and percolation threshold in expanding rhyolitic magma. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.
Hajimirza S, Gonnermann HM, Gardner JE, Giachetti T (2019). Predicting homogeneous bubble nucleation in rhyolite: An empirical surface tension. J. Geophys. Res.: Solid Earth.
Gauthier D, Anderson S, Fritz H, Giachetti T. (2018) Karrat Fjord (Greenland) tsunamigenic landslide of 17 June 2017: Initial 3D Observations. Landslides.
Paris R, Ramalho RS, Madeira J, Ávila S, May SM, Rixhon G, Engel M, Brückner M, Herzog M, Schukraft G, Perez-Torrado FJ, Rodriguez-Gonzalez A, Carracedo JC, Giachetti T. (2018) Mega-tsunami conglomerates and flank collapses of ocean island volcanoes. Marine Geol. 395:168-187.
Falvard S, Paris R, Belousova M, Belousov A, Giachetti T, Cuven S. (2018) Scenario of the 1996 volcanic tsunamis in Karymskoye Lake, Kamchatka, inferred from X-ray tomography of heavy minerals in tsunami deposits. Marine Geol.
Gonnermann HM, Giachetti T, Fliedner C, Nguyen CT, Houghton BF, Crozier JA, Carey RJ. (2017) Permeability During Magma Expansion and Compaction. JGR - Solid Earth.
Shea T, Leonhardi T, Giachetti T, Lindoo A, Larsen J, Sinton J, Parsons E. (2017) Dynamics of an unusual cone-building trachyte eruption at Puʻu Waʻawaʻa, Hualālai, Hawaii. Bull. Volc. 79: 26. doi:10.1007/s00445-017-1106-z
Giachetti T, Gonnermann HM, Gardner JE., Shea T., Gouldstone A. (2015) Discriminating secondary from primary water in rhyolitic matrix-glass of volcanic pyroclasts using thermogravimetric analysis. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 148, 457-476. PDF
Paris R, Kelfoun K, Giachetti T. (2013) Marine conglomerate and reef megaclasts at Mauritius Island: Evidences of a tsunami generated by a flank collapse of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Reunion Island? Sci. of tsunami hazards, 32, 4, ISSN 8755-6839. PDF
Giachetti T, Gonnermann HM. (2013) Water in pumices: rehydration or incomplete degassing? Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 369-370, 317-332. PDF
Moitra P, Gonnermann HM, Houghton B, Giachetti T. (2013) Relating vesicle shapes in pyroclasts to eruption styles. Bull. Volc. 75, 691. PDF
Giachetti T, Paris R, Kelfoun K, Ontowirjo B. (2012) Tsunami hazard related to a flank collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano, Sunda Strait, Indonesia. Special Publications of the Geological Society of London : ‘Natural Hazards in the Asia–Pacific Region: Recent Advances and Emerging Concepts’, 361, 79-90. URL
Paris R, Giachetti T, Chevalier J, Guillou H, Frank N. (2011). Tsunami deposits in Santiago Island (Cape Verde archipelago) as a possible evidence of massive flank failure of Fogo volcano. Sed. Geol., 239, 3-4,129-145. URL
Giachetti T, Burgisser A, Arbaret L, Druitt TH, Kelfoun K. (2011) Quantitative textural analysis of Vulcanian pyroclasts (Montserrat) using multi-scale X-ray computed microtomography: comparison with results from 2D image analysis. Bull. Volc. 73, 9, 1295-1309. URL
Giachetti T, Paris R, Kelfoun K, Pérez-Torrado FJ. (2011) Numerical modelling of the tsunami triggered by the Güìmar debris avalanche, Tenerife (Canary Islands): comparison with field-based data. Marine Geol., 284, 189-202. URL
Burgisser A, Arbaret L, Druitt TH, Giachetti T. (2011) Pre-explosive conduit conditions of the 1997 Vulcanian explosions at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat: II. Overpressure and depth distributions. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 199, 193-205. URL
Burgisser A, Poussineau S, Arbaret L, Druitt TH, Giachetti T, Bourdier J-L. (2010) Pre-explosive conduit conditions of the 1997 Vulcanian explosions at Soufrière Hills Volcano (Montserrat): I. pressure and vesicularity distributions. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 194, 1-3, 27-41. URL
Giachetti T, Druitt TH, Burgisser A, Arbaret L, Galven C. (2010) Bubble nucleation and growth during the 1997 Vulcanian explosions of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. Vol. 193, 3-4, 215-231. URL
Kelfoun K, Giachetti T, Labazuy P. (2010) Landslide–generated tsunamis at Reunion Island. J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 115, F04012. URL