Warm Up #2 - Article Analysis

Grading Criteria

Due Date: Monday, October 21, in class. [Note change in due date.]

The goal of this assignment is to help you work on your ability to find and evaluate source materials. In addition, the assignment should help each team discover areas of common interest to team members.

Step 1:

Each student will complete the remainder of the assignment and turn in an individual assignment. You are free to work with other team members, but the final work must be your individual effort.

Step 2:

Step 3:
Step 4:


1. What is the nature of the publication? Who is the author? Do the answers to these questions raise any significant questions about the credibility or the utility of the article?

2. Does the author have special knowledge of the subject?

3. What causal relationships are asserted or suggested?

4.Write a good one sentence statement of the public policy issue described in the article.

5.List the most important contributory factors identified in the article (maximum of five).

6. List the experts identified (maximum of five) and briefly (one sentence per expert) explain the value of each expert to your research.

7. List the most valuable facts in the article (maximum of five) and briefly (one sentence per fact) explain the value of each one to your research.

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School of Journalism and Communication

Grading Criteria


A combination of the following:


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School of Journalism and Communication