Motion US07/08-3 -- to abolish certain standing University Committees and
to change the names of other standing University committees which report
to the University Senate
Sponsor: Peter Gilkey, mathematics
For Senate Action: November 28, 2007
Moved that: Effective upon passage of this motion by the University
of Oregon Senate:
The International Affairs Committee is abolished.
The Status of Women Committee is abolished
The name of the Student Conduct Committee is changed to the Student
Conduct and Community Standards Committee. The charge of this committee
is changed to:
The Student Conduct Committee, as designated in OAR 571-21-110 , shall
be responsible for administering the Student Conduct Code and Student Conduct
program as follows:
(1) The Student Conduct Committee shall be responsible for formulating
or approving, prior to implementation, regulations and enforcement procedures
pertaining to student disciplinary matters at the University of Oregon,
and recommending to the faculty policy or administrative changes in any
aspect of the Student Conduct Program; and
(2) With the consent of the President of the University, the Student Conduct
Committee may sub-delegate jurisdiction to handle violations of the Student
Conduct Code or other University regulations to University officials, committees,
or minor tribunals. The Student Conduct Committee is staffed by the office
of the Student Conduct Coordinator.
The name of the Student Conduct Hearings Board is changed to the
Conduct Hearings Panel and the charge of this committee is changed
The Student Conduct Hearing Board, as designated in OAR 571-21- 160 , shall
be responsible for adjudicating on student conduct cases referred to the
Board. The Board shall specifically:
(1) Convene a formal hearings panel of no fewer than four members of the
University Hearings Board ;
(2) Listen to evidence;
(3) Decide if the Student Conduct Code has been violated; and,
(4) Determine which, if any, sanctions to impose, ranging from a warning
to expulsion from the University. Training and consultation are provided
by the University General Counsel and the Director of Student Conduct and
Community Standards.
The name of the Non-tenure track instructional faculty committee
(NTTIF) is changed to the Non-tenure trackfaculty committee (NTTF)
The charge of the Environmental Issues Committee shall be to:
1) Consider, analyze and report, in the form of advisories or recommendations
on environmental issues that affect the quality of life and health of the
University community, as well as on those issues about which the University
should act as an educational resource. These reports shall include a financial
impact statement for each recommendation as well as an informative, impartial
summary of the topic that outlines its effects, the issues discussed at
committee meetings, and any relevant background information.;
2) Recommend development of rules or policies directly related to environmental
issues affecting quality of lifeand health to be adopted by the University
administration and/or University Senate on behalf of the University community.
Such recommendations shall include a financial impact statement for each
recommendation as well as an informative, impartial summary of the topic
that outlines its effects, the issues discussed at committee meetings,
and any relevant background information;
3) Recommend, facilitate and/or implement educational programs, training
sessions, forums or workshops on environmental issues which could be offered
to members of the University community and/or the general public;
4) Recommend ways to inform the University community about environmental
5) Promote research on environmental issues affecting the University community.
Financial impact: There is no financial impact to this motion. This
motion simply seeks Senate action to approve changes which have already
been implemented.
Statement of need: Over the years, various bodies in the University
have made defacto changes to the nomenclature and existence of certain
standing University Committees. Such changes need the dejure recognition
by the University Senate. This motion gives the UO Senate a chance either
to approve or, one supposes, to disapprove these changes. But in either
event, since these committees were created by senate legislation and are
required to report to the senate, senate action is required.
This was passed by the
28 November 2007 meeting of the UO Senate. A
further explaination of these changes may be found on the following web
The International Affairs Advisory Council
The Status of Women Committee
The Student Conduct Committee and the Student
Conduct Hearings Panel
The Non Tenure Track Instructional Faculty Committee
Environmental Issues Committee
Remark: The Technology Transfer Committee was suspended in 2006
until further notice. It does not appear in relevant Senate Legislation
and no further action need be taken: