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Turkey Antiquities

Termessos, a wealthy settlement of the Pisidians

Supports for Termessos shops

Termessos after the earthquake

Termessos theater, with vista

Part of the elaborate Termessos water system

A Roman sarcophagus

A Roman tomb

The Roman aquaduct at Phaselis

Along the main drag in Phaselis

Shops and baths in Phaselis

Pieces of Hadrian's Gate, Phaselis

Examples of carving from Hadrian's Gate

Stone carving at Myra

A tomb carved into the cliff, Myra

Tomb "houses"in the cliff at Myra

The theater at Myra

Another view of the Myra theater, with carvings

A fresco at St. Nicholas church, Myra

Tilework at the church

Ceiling stonework at the church

Frescoes at St. Nick's

More ceiling art at St. Nicholas church

An interior view at the church where St. Nicholas presided as bishop and is interred

Símena sign, with flowers

View from Símena castle

Part of the castle

Steps leading down into the sunken city

Portal under the aqueduct

Innards of the siphon aquaduct

Xanthos main entrance

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