
The Bijou movie theater is a popular spot with a common problem to all movie theaters; it is too cold.  The Bijou is particularly interesting because of its age and its former use as a church, which has design implications that exacerbate the buildings heating issues.  The intent of this study is to determine what factors cause this thermal discomfort.  The height of the space was the most probable candidate for the inefficient heat usage and thermal discomfort for the occupants.  Four temperature-reading devices were placed throughout the space in order to determine the temperature at both the seating plane and the ceiling plane.  Based on these measurements it was quite apparent that the ceiling plane was significantly hotter than the seating plane demonstrating inefficient heat usage.  The main causes of this heat discrepancy are the lack of insulation at the upper level and the location of the heating devices.  A few solutions to remedy this problem are included in this analysis but whether or not these improvements need to be implemented is debatable because of the theaters popularity regardless of temperature.

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