
Place hobos at different levels within the theater to measure the temperature.

    • Low - at the seating level
    • Medium - at average ceiling height
    • High - as high to the actual ceiling height as possible

Hobo Used: Onset Computer Corporation Hobo XT


Check out four hobos to place within the theater.

The hobos will take the temperature every four minutes for five days. 

Collect theater times and theater population for each showing.

Measure the height of the ceiling in theater one.

Note where the heat sources are located.

Find out what methods are currently being used to mitigate heat rising.

Hobo locations:

Plan of theater one with Hobo locations

Section of theater one with Hobo locations


Hobo #1: front seat; 2 feet above ground

Hobo #2: back of theater; 2 feet high

Hobo #3: Back of theater above projection room; 20 above ground

Hobo #4: Front rafter in theater; 35 feet above ground




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