
Neuroscience is for undergraduate students interested in studying the relationship between the brain and behavior. To provide comprehensive training, curriculum is jointly taught by biology, human physiology and psychology faculty. Foundational coursework is in biology, chemistry, human physiology, math, physics, and psychology. Upper division coursework focuses on three main areas of neuroscience: molecular/cellular, systems and cognitive neuroscience. Upon completion, graduates will have a strong understanding of the nervous system, demonstrate critical thinking, quantitative and analytical skills, and communicate effectively about scientific research.
Top Five
Reasons to Study
This Major
  1. Explore fascinating questions about brain and behavior.

  2. Obtain hands-on experience working in a neuroscience lab.

  3. Examine cutting-edge methods for studying the nervous system.

  4. Gain an interdisciplinary understanding of the biology of the mind.

  5. Build a solid foundation for graduate programs and a variety of career paths.

College of Arts and Sciences
Where Can I Go?

Students in Neuroscience may choose to pursue a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS). Neuroscience provides students with a foundation for employment in:

Healthcare clinics and hospitals

Government agencies that focus on neurological diseases

Public health and global health organizations

Pharmaceutical companies

Biotechnologie companies

Management consulting firms specializing in healthcare companies

Colleges and universities

Research institutes and laboratories

Scientific writing and publishing
Alumni Jobs

Medical scribe

MRI technician

Occupational therapist



Physical therapist



Science journalist
Courses You
May Need

1st Year
CH 221, CH 222, CH 223, CH 227, CH 228, CH 229, MATH 246, PSY 201

2nd Year
BI 211, BI 212, BI 214, HPHY 211, HPHY 212, PSY 302

3rd Year
HPHY 321, 322; PSY 304; BI 360; PHYS 201, 202, 203, Research: BI 401, HPHY 401, or PSY 401

4th Year
Neuro elec: BI, HPHY, and/or PSY 3xx-4xx; Adv skills/research: BI, HPHY, or PSY 401

Major Credits
Required 79-82
Electives 24

Total 103-106

Core Education Requirements

BS or BA Degree Minimum = 180 credits.

Core Education is approximately 71—83 credits depending on transfer credits and placement scores and requires courses in:


Math and/or CS (BS) or Language (BA)

US: Difference, Inequality, Agency

Global Perspectives

Areas of Inquiry in:

Arts and Letters

Social Science / Science
What Will I Learn?

Critical thinking

Scientific reasoning

Data analysis

Laboratory research

Science communication

Interdisciplinary analysis of the nervous system
Experiential learning opportunities

Research (Institute of Neuroscience)
Specialized Courses

Music and the Brain

Psychoactive Drugs

Learning & Memory

Sleep Physiology

Movement Disorders

Neurophysiology of Concussion

Cell Biology

Animal Physiology

Developmental Neurobiology

Molecular Genetics of Human Disease
Add A Minor Or Certificate

Global Health







Media Studies


Business Administration



Contact Us

Tykeson College and Career Advising

An equal-opportunity, affirmative-action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This publication will be made available in accessible formats upon request. © 2020 University of Oregon. Revised: 9/3/2020