Trip & Arrival |

On the way to Tanzania! Still, "unbeliveable!"

After 14 hours in the air, this is what happens! 14 more hours to GO!
Longest leg, London To Nairobi , 8 hrs (aboard B.747, huge bird!)

There was food! Its is $3.00 bucks (What happened to the $2K a piece
we just gave them? Oh! I forgot that gas is very expensive.

Aerial shot of London! |

In London, Terminal 4 was evacuated for a fire alarm (Better safe
than sorry!) I thought Mark had worn this car.

At church - Cleven, my mom &
and mama Samson. |
On to Africa, the cradle of humanity.

Crusing at 561 mph, we caught a glimpse of the mighty stream
River Nile, snaking its way in the Africa.

Almost home. I can barely contain myself, after a mere 28 hrs.
We await to unload ourselves into Nairobi, Kenya.. |

Mzee Temi (center) met us at the airport. I was calling
my brother Donald in Dar-Es-Salaam. Left Temi's cousin, Robinson.

Mark & Mama Anjela (mzee Temi's wife) and their place in Nairobi,Kenya.
In her hand, she is holding very friendly dog, Shaka! |

Mama Anjela made us Sambusa - left-top and fresh fruits (top-right). I need
to elaborate: Fresh means: pawpaws, water-melon,bananas and mangoes
were picked from the garden few hours ealier - mouth watering!. The plate has green-banana
dish cooked with beef stew,chicken, cooked cabbage and rice...yummmm. (sambusa - deep fried flour wrapped in a triangular shape with ground-beef, vergis,
and numerous spices -- ohhh) |

Need I say more? Avacado, fresh. I guaratee if you find at albertson such an avacado, you will have to pay more than $9.00. Here, they are falling from the trees and you can get them for less than a penny! Juicy pawpaw from my parents garden...mmmmhhh. |

Shaka - named after a fiercy Zulu King, who defended
his people against the intruders in SouthAfrica. He is very friendly though,
unless you mean harm to any of his friends. He remind me a lot of,
Sir Berkeley Bark a Lot III (Gerry's Dog) |

While sleeping, Shaka came to wake me up. Isn't he lovely? I was
felling a bit relaxed. We head to Tanzania in few hours (after I email to you all) |

Baba Cleven! It is so nice to be with him and chat!
He likes politics, economics and many subjects...

My parent's house. I'm at my childhood home! |

Lucy, Mark's aother mother, and Mark! After 6 years, they are not meeting again.
Mark was excited!

lemon & pawpaw tree. The pawpaw you saw ealier was picked from this tree

Corn (maize) right outside mom/dad's house. BBQ corn, unbeliavable! |

Coffee tree. You can see some red coffee beans - ready for picking!
After a short rest, Mark & I will embark in the task. |