This is one of the banana I like. It is small, sweet and simply, delicious. |

We had gone to Church. People bring offering of farm produces and are auctioned at the end of service. Mark boungt the eggs. |
 At the church. My mother is deacon (center)

Still at the church

My classmate and one of my best friends in Tanzania. Somji Mahmood
owns and runs a pharmacy in Arusha. I took a photo with Faizah & Aliabbas. He has another child called Fatimah. |

"Mama kidogo" , Mark said. This is Mark's Aunt called Anna. |

Bananas and more bananas... |

My counsin's twin daughter. Behind us is sugar-canes, that I will shortly

Before dad/mom build our new home, this is where we lived. |

Mark holds an avocado!
of our counsin raises rabbitts and seals. I raised them too
when I was growing up.

Mama, always admiring flowers!